
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Description of a Non-western Language II: Berber 5
Description of a Non-western Language III: Leti 5
Descriptive Linguistics 2 5
Design and the Deep Future 5
Design of Sustainable Biotechnological Processes 5
Designing Archaeological Research 5
Developing Research Proposals (ResMA History) 10
Developmental Clinical Neuroscience 5
Developmental Psychopathology 5
Developmental Psychopathology (IBP) 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Diasporas and Minorities in the Middle East 5
Differentiable manifolds 1 6
Digital @nthropology: a Critical Take on Information Society 10
Digital Access to Cultural Heritage 5
Digital Child Rights 5
Digital Detectives: Detective Literature Under a Digital Macroscope 5
Digital Government 5
Digital History 5
Digital Media, Culture, and Society 5
Digital Text and Data Processing 5
Digitale Cartografie voor Historici 5
Diplomacy of International Conflict 5
Discourse analysis 5
Discrete Besliskunde 6
Discrimination Law: Transnational Perspectives 5
Displacement, Memory and Identity in Latin American Narrative and Film 10
Diversity and Power 10
Diversity and Power - dubbel - ongeldig 10
Documentary Film 5
Documentary Texts from Deir el-Medina and their social and cultural setting 10
Drug Delivery Technology 5
Dutch in Practice 5
Dutch Media and Society 5
Dutch parliamentary democracy 5
Dutch Prehistory in a European Context 5
Dutch to English Translation Course 5
Dying and Grieving: A Cultural History of Death 5
Early Modern Paelography 5
Earth Dynamics, Cycles and Timescales (Campus Den Haag) 5
Ecologie 1 6
Ecologie 2 3
Economic Development and Social Change in Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Economic Growth and Development 5
Economic Policy in the EU 5
Economic processes in Latin America 5
Economic Regulation of Air Transport 10
Economic Regulation of Air Transport Blended Learning 10
Economic Theory of Politics 5
Economic, Social And Cultural Rights Of Children 5