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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Sexology 5
Slavery and Memory in the Black Atlantic 10
Slavery on the Frontier: The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and the Black Sea, 15th-19th centuries 10
Social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in schools 5
Sociolinguistica dell’italiano (Corso monografico) 5
Sound and space 8
Special Topics in Digital Humanities 5
Spine/skullbase surgery & otolaryngology/audiology 15
Stars 5
Statistical Physics 2 6
Storia della lingua italiana 5
Strategic Studies 5
Stress, Health and Disease 5
Stress, Health and Disease (IBP) 5
Sumerian literary texts 5
Sustainable development: Big Issues New Answers 15
Swahili 3 5
Taiwan: Multiple Histories 5
Technology and Society: Values and Norms 5
The Adolescent Brain 5
The Dutch language as a cognitive system 2 5
The Electronic structure of solids 6
The Enlightenment and its oddities: science, magic and deviant religion 5
The European Union Today 5
The Heritage of the West: The Classics & Intertextuality in Art & Literature 5
The History of European Integration 5
The learning brain 5
The Linguistic Context of Biblical Hebrew 1 5
The Political Economy of the European Union 5
The power of words 5
Theorie van Concurrency 6
Tibet: State and Society 5
Traduzione italiano-olandese (Corso monografico) 5
Traduzione olandese-italiano (Corso monografico) 5
Translational Neuroscience 15
Tweedetaalverwerving: de invloed van moedertaal en taalaanleg 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: didactiek en toetsing 5
Universals and variation in human behaviour 5
Visualizing Science 5
Vitality and Ageing 15
Vraagstukken Bewegen 9
Vraagstukken Borst en Nier 8
Vraagstukken Buik 8
Vraagstukken Psychisch Functioneren 5
Woordenschat/Schrijven, Taalvaardigheid II 5
Writing Art 5