
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
MA Thesis Linguistics 20
MA Thesis Linguistics including seminar I 5
MA Thesis Linguistics including seminar II 15
MA Thesis Literary Studies (research) 25
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track English) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track French) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track German) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track Italian) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond) 20
MA Thesis Media Studies: Film and Photographic Studies 20
MA Thesis North American Studies 20
MA Thesis Philosophy 120 EC 20
MA Thesis Philosophy 60 EC 20
Ma Thesis Religious studies 15
MA Thesis Russian and Eurasian Studies 20
MA Thesis Seminar 0
MA Thesis Tutorial Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) 5
Machine Learning Theory (MM) 8
Maintaining Law and Order, or Imperial Communication? Imperial Legislation in Late Antiquity 10
Making Human Rights Work: Legal and Non-Legal Strategies 5
Manchu & Manchustudies III 5
Master Class 0
Master research project 40
Master Thesis 24
Master Thesis in MSc. Psychology 20
Master Thesis in Researchmaster Psychology 20
Master Thesis Project 15
Master Thesis: Comparative Criminal Justice 10
Master Thesis: Forensic Criminology 20
Master Thesis: Safety Policy and Law Enforcement 20
Master's Research Project 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS & SCS/EDU) 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS) 42
Masterminds Challenge 2
Masters of Chinese Philosophy (ResMA) 10
Material and Historical Methods 5
Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along the Silk Roads in Central Asia (ResMA) 10
Material Flow Analysis 6
Mathematical Biology (MM) 8
Mathematical Statistics (BM) 6
Matrimonial Property Law 10
Mechanical Metamaterials 6
Medieval short stories 5
Metaethics 10
Methoden van klinische diagnostiek 5
Methodologies in the Social Sciences and Humanities 10
Methods and instruments in cognitive and affective neuroscience 5
Methods II: Research in Latin America 20
Methods III: Writing Workshop 5
Methods of interdisciplinary literary studies 5