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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
CRiP - Using R for data analysis 1
Critical Approaches to Heritage Studies 5
Critical Area Studies: Placing Your Research 10
Critical Thinking, Critical Writing 5
Cultural History of Aramaic 10
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants (ResMA) 10
Culture and Society in the Medieval Muslim World (ResMA) 10
Culture as Soft Power in Morocco 5
Cultures of Resistance in the Post-colonial World (ResMA) 10
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History I 10
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History II 10
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History III 10
Cyber Crisis Management & Communication 4
Cyber Security Governance 5
Cyber Security Management in Organisations 5
Cybercrime 5
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity 5
Data Mining for Cyber Security 4
Data Science 5
De esthetica van recht en politiek. Nietzsche en Heidegger 5
De Lens van Van Leeuwenhoek: Nederlandse wetenschapsgeschiedenis in verhalen en museumcollecties 5
De wereld van Sheherazade: cultuurgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwse islam 5
Deir el-Medina Seminar 5
Democratic Consolidations and Erosion 10
Democratie in Stad en Dorp 10
Democratizing Histories: Asia and the World (ResMA) 10
Demotic Papyrology I 10
Developing Research Proposals (ResMA History) 10
Development and Poverty Reduction 10
Developmental Clinical Neuroscience 5
Dialogues in Past and Present: Human interaction and the construction of meaning 5
Differentiable manifolds 2 (BM) 6
Digital Access to Cultural Heritage 5
Digital Child Rights 5
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital Government 5
Digital Text and Data Processing 5
Diplomacy and Publicity: European Peace Conferences and Publicity in the Dutch Republic 10
Discrimination Law: Transnational Perspectives 5
Displacement, Memory and Identity in Latin American Narrative and Film 10
Diversity and Early Modern Empires: an Economic and Social Perspective 10
Diversity: Conflict & Consensus 10
Documentary Texts from Deir el-Medina and their social and cultural setting 10
Doing REAL research: discover your research talents 5
Dutch East India Company embassies to Asian courts, 1600-1800 10
Dutch Politics in Comparative Perspective 5
Echo, influence or plagiarism? Dutch literature in global perspective 5
Economic and Consumer Psychology 10
Economic Development and Social Change in Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Economic Regulation of Air Transport 10