
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Designing Your Life (NL) - SEM2 5
Detection of Light a 3
Detection of Light b 3
Determinants of Human Behaviour 5
Deutschland in Bildern. Filmische Begegnungen mit gesellschaftsaktuellen Fragen 5
Developing Research Proposals (ResMA History) 10
Development and Diversity in a Sociological Perspective 5
Development and Evolution 6
Developmental and Educational Psychology 5
Developmental Clinical Neuroscience 5
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 5
Developmental Psychopathology 5
Developmental Psychophysiology and Psychopathology 5
Diagnostics in Clinical Neuropsychology 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Diagnostiek en behandeling: theorie in praktijk 5
Dialogues in literature and interaction 10
Dialogues in Past and Present: Human interaction and the construction of meaning 5
Diasporas and Minorities in the Middle East 5
Didactiek van het Nederlands als tweede taal 10
Die Wissenschaft der Wörter 10
Die Wissenschaft der Wörter (5 EC) 5
Differentiable manifolds 1 6
Differentiable manifolds 2 (BM) 6
Diffusie 3
Digital Access to Cultural Heritage 5
Digital Anthropology 10
Digital applications in mental health care 5
Digital Child Rights 5
Digital Crime 10
Digital Data Analysis (Statistics II) 5
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital Government-Citizen Interaction 3
Digital History 5
Digital Justice 10
Digital Media and Machinic Cultures 10
Digital media in the family: opportunities and challenges 5
Digital Media Technology 5
Digital Media, Culture and Society 5
Digital Technologies and Power: The Atlas of AI 3
Digital Technology and International Law 5
Digital Text and Data Analysis 5
Digital thinking skills in education 5
Digital Transformation 5
Digitalisation, Governance and Policy 10
Diophantine Approximation (MM) 8
Diplomacy and Society 5
Diplomacy of International Conflict 5
Diplomacy: Introduction to Theory and Practice 5
Diplomat 2.0: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods 5