
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
ILS – Global law: legal reasoning in International, EU and national law 5
ILS – Rechtshandhaving in domeinoverstijgend perspectief 5
ILS – The Constitution in Perspective 5
Image Analysis with Applications in Microscopy 6
Images across Borders: Early Modern Visual Culture, 1500-1800 10
Imaging in Neurosciences 6
Imagining Reconciliation in Literature, Art and Media: Early Modernity to the Present Day 10
Imagining the City 5
Immigration Law 5
Immigration, Integration and Non-Discrimination 5
Immunobiologie 3
Immunologie 3
Immunology (BS) 9
Immunotherapy of Cancer 15
Imperial Powers, Global Cultures 5
Implementation: putting PHM into action 5
Impossible Love. Universities and the Political in the Netherlands, 1876-2021 10
Improving Human Performance in Practice (HPP) 5
Improving Intergroup Perceptions 5
In het kielzog van Vergilius: Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica 5
In-vivo biomolecular interactions underlying diseases (IBID) 6
Income Tax 5
Independent Project Religious Studies 10
Individual Income Taxation 10
Individual Internship (NGO, Museum, etc.) 20
Individual project 5
Individual project 5
Individual project 5
Individual Project (FGW) 10
Indo-European Linguistics I 5
Indo-European linguistics II (Noun) 5
Indo-European linguistics II (Verb) 5
Indo-European Noun 5
Indo-European Phonology 5
Indo-European verb 5
Indonesian 1 10
Indonesian 1 Beginners 10
Indonesian 2 10
Indonesian 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Indonesian 3 10
Indonesian 3 Intermediate 5
Indonesian 4 10
Indonesian in Practice 5
Indonesian Literature 10
Industrial Biotechnology 6
Industrial Ecology Capita Selecta Module 2-6
Inequalities in the 21st century 5
Inequality, Living Standard and Poverty in the Roman Empire 10
Infectieziekten en Immunologie 12
Infections in Health and Disease 15