
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Oudere Nederlandse Letterkunde 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Taalbeheersing 0
Seminar BA2 II: (Re-)Imaginations of the Rural 5
Seminar BA2 Photography from Snapshot to Photofilm 5
Seminar BA2: Arts and culture I: Dutch Art and architecture before 1600 5
Seminar BA2: Arts and Culture II: 17th and 18th century 5
Seminar BA2: Arts, Media and Society II: Art and Animals 5
Seminar BA2: Seeing Time: The Temporality of the Image 5
Seminar BA3: Preservation as a Creative Practice in the Long Nineteenth Century 10
Seminar BA3: Sensing Style: from Subcultures to Digital Bubbles 10
Seminar BA3: Inventing a Nation: National Museums and the Formation of Identity 10
Seminar BA3: Virtual Museums and Exhibitions 10
Seminar Business Information Systems 6
Seminar Combinatorial Algorithms 6
Seminar Early Christianity: Jews, Christians and Pagans in Roman Asia Minor 10
Seminar Excursion Berlin 10
Seminar Form and Meaning 5
Seminar Greek: archaic poetry from Sappho to Simonides 5
Seminar Greek: Shem in the tents of Japhet: Exploring cultural negotiation in Greco-Roman Jewish-Greek literature 10
Seminar Greek: Xenophon Anabasis Book III 5
Seminar Hittite Texts 5
Seminar II: Heritage of South and Southeast Asia 5
Seminar III: Heritage of South and Southeast Asia 5
Seminar Latin: Roman Republican Tragedy 5/10
Seminar Latin: Writing Exile. Latin Literature of Displacement from Ovid to Joachim Du Bellay 10
Seminar Legislative Studies 5
Seminar MA-thesis Dutch Discourse Studies
Seminar Middle East 1 5
Seminar Middle Eastern Studies 2 5
Seminar on Dutch Linguistics: Linguistics and Rhetorics 5
Seminar Oude Nabije Oosten1 5
Seminar Sound and Sound Structure 5
Seminar Thesis Writing and Academic Publication 10
Seminar: Writing Research Proposal 5
Seminarium presenteren en communiceren 3
Sense and non-sense in anesthesiology 15
Separation Technology (SCT) 6
Setting Up a Project 10
Sexology 5
Sexualities and Genders in Modern East Asia, 1600-1945 (10 EC) 10
Sharing Scarcity: Water 5
Sharing Scarcity: The Commons 5
Short Stories In English, 1830-1990 10
Sick in the City. Epidemic diseases, Mortality and Public health, 1500-present 10
Signal Transduction and Hallmarks of Cancer 4
Signalering en aanpak van emotionele en gedragsproblemen 3
Simulation and Modeling in Astrophysics (AMUSE) 6
Single Molecule Optics 6
Sino-Japanese Relations 5
Sinographics: Chinese writing and writing Chinese 10