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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Master Thesis European Politics and Society 30
Masteranguage: Taalbeheersing in de praktijk 5
Masterlanguage: Canonicity: Highlights from Greek literature
Masterlanguage: Lernersprache Deutsch: Erwerbsphänomene, Einflussfaktoren und Kompetenzniveaus aus niederländischer 5
Masterlanguage: Apprendre le français: variation et apprentissage L2 5
Masterlanguage: Communication interculturelle - perspectives théoriques et historiques 5
Masterlanguage: Creative imitation in ancient, medieval and Renaissance Latin literature
Masterlanguage: Deutsch und seine Varianten: Variation im Standarddeutschen 5
Masterlanguage: Escribir violencia en el mundo hispánico 5
Masterlanguage: Greek Epigraphy on Location in Athens
Masterlanguage: Historische letterkunde in de klas 5
Masterlanguage: Italianissimo: Laboratorio di perfezionamento 1 5
Masterlanguage: La imagen del mundo hispánico 5
Masterlanguage: Language Variation and Change 5
Masterlanguage: Latin Epigraphy on location in Rome
Masterlanguage: Learner Corpus Research and Language Teaching 5
Masterlanguage: Moderne letterkunde in de klas 5
Masterlanguage: Taalkunde in de klas 5
Material Culture of Ancient Egypt 5
Material Culture of the Ancient Near East 10
Material Culture of the Classical World 5
Material Culture, Heritage, Museums in the Koreas 5
Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along the Silk Roads in Central Asia 10
Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along the Silk Roads in Central Asia (ResMA) 10
Meaning and Context 10
Media Persian 5
Media, Art, Theory 10
Media, Power, and Protest in Russia 5
Medical Translation 10
Medieval paleography 5
Medieval Philosophy 5
Mentoraat BA Duits 0
Mentoraat BA1 Koreastudies 0
Mentorship BA1 Japanstudies 0
Metaethics 10
Metafilosofie 5
Metafilosofie 5
Metaphilosophy 5
Metaphysical Heresies: Beyond Identity and the Individual 10
Metaphysics 5
Metaphysics 5
Methoden en Technieken 1: bronnenonderzoek, objecten en teksten 5
Methoden en Technieken 2: kwantitatief onderzoek 5
Methodologies in the Social Sciences and Humanities 10
Methodology of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics 5
Methods and Issues in Korean Studies 5
Methods and Skills in Africanist Research 5
Methods and Techniques 3: Qualitative Research 10
Methods and Theories of Journalism Studies 5
Methods and Theory in Egyptian Archaeology 5