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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Functional Genomics: from Genotype to Phenotype 5
Fundamental Rights & Digital Technologies 5
Fundamentals and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence 5
Fundamentals of Digital Systems Design 6
Fundamentals of Population Health Management 5
Fundamenten 5
Funduqs, Vitten, Factories. Merchant Communities and the Organisation of International Trade until 1600 10
Future perspectives 1
Fysiologie 6
Fysiologie van ADME 4
Galaxies and Cosmology 5
Galaxies: structure, dynamics and evolution 6
Game Analysis: Games and Cultural Analysis (The Elder Scrolls) 10
Games and Transmedia Storytelling 5
Gastschrijver: De speelplaats van de ironie 5
Gateway to Global Affairs 5
Geavanceerde Onderwerpen in de Besliskunde (BM) variabel
Gedeeld onderwijs met Japan/Korea/SSEA-studies 5
Gedeeld onderwijs: keuzevak bij Koreastudies, Chinastudies of South and Southeast Asia Studies 5
Gedeeld onderwijs: keuzevak bij Koreastudies, Chinastudies of South and Southeast Asia Studies (LET OP: deze vakken beginnen al in blok 3) 5
Gedragsbiologie 1 1
Gedragsbiologie 2 6
Gelijkheid en Rechtvaardigheid 10
Gender & Development 5
Gender and Race in Historical International Relations 10
Gender in Korea 5
Gender, Media and Conflict 5
Gender, Race, Intersectionality and Law 5
Gender, Race, Intersectionality and Law 5
Gender/genre: New Approaches to the Human in Critical and Cultural Theory 10
General and Inorganic Chemistry (AAC) 6
General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 5
General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 5
General Introduction to Art in China 5
General Principles of Tax Law 5
General Understanding of Comparative Tax Law 5
Géneros Populares en la cultura latinoamericana (LK5) 5
Genome (in)stability, cancer and ageing 6
Genomic Architecture 6
Geo-Economics 5
Geographic Information Systems 5
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 5
Georges Perec et la pensée du quotidien 10
Georgian Language for Beginners 5
German 1 Beginners 10
German 1 Intermediate 10
German 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
German 2 Upper-Intermediate 10
German 3 Advanced 5
German 3 Intermediate 5