
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Einführung in die soziolinguistische Feldforschung: Deutschsprachige Communities in den Niederlanden 5
Einführung in die soziolinguistische Feldforschung: Deutschsprachige Communities in den Niederlanden 10
Einführung in die soziolinguistische Feldforschung: Deutschsprachige Communities in den Niederlanden 10
Elective Credits (International Studies) 30
Elective Credits (Urban Studies) 30
Elective Healty City: Population Health Management and Health Behaviour Change 10
Elective MA Literary Studies English
Elective MA Literary Studies German 10
Elective MA Literary Studies Italian
Elective MA Literary Studies, French
Elective Multicultural City: The Production of Belonging 10
Elective Safe City: Crime, Criminalisation and the Right to the City 10
Elective Sustainable City: Biodiversity in the City 10
Electives ResMA Linguistics
Electives/Minor 30
Embedded Research Project 15
En quête d'une pop-culture préindustrielle 10
Energy Policy of the EU 5
English Historical Linguistics 10
English to Dutch Translation 5
English Word Formation 10
English-Language Popular Culture 5
Enlightenment & Revolution: Europe & Political Thought, 1648-1848 10
Environmental Philosophy 10
Epigrafie van het spijkerschrift 5
Epigraphy: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions (10 EC) 10
Epigraphy: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions (5 EC) 5
Epistemologie 5
Epistemologie 5
Epistemology 5
Epos: Homerus en Vergilius 10
Esthetica en de impact van kunst 10
Ethics 5
Ethics and Economics 10
Ethics for the Humanities 5
Ethics II 10
Ethics in Gothic, Horror, SF and Noir Fiction 10
Ethics of Innovation 3
Ethiek 5
Ethiek 5
Ethnographic Research 5
EU Foreign and Security Policies 5
EU Law 5
EU Seminar 0
EU-Russia Relations 5
Eurasia and Eurasianisms: Concepts and Contentions 5
European Art and Architecture from 1300 to c. 1550: Renaissance 5
European Modernism 10
Euroscepticism 5
Everything’s New! Innovation in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1750 10