
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Advanced Sumerian 10
Advanced Syntax 1 5
Advanced Syntax 2 5
Advanced topics in Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing 10
Advanced Topics in Indo-European Phonology 10
Advanced Translation 5
Advanced Typology 10
Aesthetics 10
Africa in Cross-Regional Perspective 5
Africa in Practice 7
Africa Today 10
African Languages Lab 10
African Networks: international relations, connectivity, diaspora 10
African Postcolonial Theories and Literary Criticism 5
African Religions and Philosophies: Understanding Diversity and World Connections 10
African Religions and Philosophies: Understanding Diversity and World Connections 5
Africans in America: Slavery and Emancipation in the United States 10
Agents of the Book 10
AI and the Humanities 5
Akkadian Historical Literary Texts 10
Alternative Representations and Engagements: On the Agency and Political Power of Contemporary Arts 10
American Identities, 1850 to the present 10
AMS on Site: Curating the City 10
Analyse van poëzie en proza, Cultuurwetenschap II 5
Analysis and Synthesis of Speech 5
Analytical Philosophy 5
Anatolian Historical Grammar 5
Anatolian Historical Linguistics 5
Anatolian Languages: Hittite and Luwian 5
Ancient Divination: Omens and Oracles 10
Ancient Egyptian Law 5
Ancient Greek for Indo-Europeanists 5
Ancient Greek for Linguists I 5
Ancient Greek for Linguists II 5
Ancient historiography for ancient historians 5
Ancient Orientalism? The Ancient Near East through Greco-Roman Eyes 10
Ancient Philosophy: Plato’s Timaeus and its Reception in Late Antiquity 5
Ancient World Seminar 10
Angry Citizens in the Netherlands 10
Animation, Anime, Comics, Graphic Novel 5
Annotated Translation 15
Anthropological Linguistics 5
Anthropology and Religion 5
Anthropology of the Middle East 5
Applied linguistics 1b: Kanji 2
Applied Linguistics Ia: Conversation & Listening Skills 3
Applied Linguistics Ia:Kanji 2
Applied Linguistics Ib: Conversation & Listening Skills 3
Applied linguistics IIa: Production 5
Applied linguistics IIb: Production 2