
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
TV Series 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: Didactiek 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: Verdieping 5
Twentieth Century French Philosophy 10
Tyranny: Ancient Histories & Modern Paradigms 5
Uitgeven Anno Nu 5
Ukrainian Politics and International Relations 10
Understanding rights 10
Understanding the EU as a Global Actor: the Role of Disciplines and Disciplinarity 10
Upper Intermediate Turkish 10
Upper-intermediate Hebrew 10
Upper-intermediate Persian 10
Urban arts, culture and society Research Lab 10
Urban arts, culture and society Thesis 10
Urban arts, culture and society Thesis Seminar 5
Urban Behavioral Science Research Lab 10
Urban Behavioral Science Thesis 10
Urban Behavioral Science Thesis Seminar 5
Urban Development and Planning 5
Urban Environmental Science graduation project 25
Urban History and Development Research Lab 10
Urban History and Development Thesis Seminar 5
Urban Korea 5
Urban Planning and Development Thesis 10
Urban Studies Foundations 5
Urban Studies Thesis 10
Urban Studies Thesis Seminar 5
Urbanism and Digitally Across Asia 10
Vaclav Havel: Internship 15
Vaclav Havel: Language Course 5
Values in Music 5
Vedic Sanskrit 5
Vedic Sanskrit for Indo-Europeanists 10
Vijftien eeuwen Nederlands, Taalwetenschap II 5
Violent Rebels in International Affairs 10
Visual Analysis: Art Making Techniques Analysis of Objects in Visual Arts, Architecture & Design 5
Visual History: Introduction to Visual Sources for Modern History 5
Visual History: Introduction to Visual Sources for Modern History 5
Voyeurism and Exhibitionism: Gender and Visual Culture 5
Vrije keuzeruimte (minor, individueel keuzepakket, stage, buitenlandverblijf) 15
Vrije keuzeruimte 10 EC (MA Neerlandistiek) 10
Vrije keuzeruimte Franse taal en cultuur (Invulling eerste en tweede semester) 30
Vrije Keuzeruimte Oude Nabije Oosten-studies
Vrije Keuzeruimte Religiewetenschappen 30
Vrouwen in het literaire bedrijf 10
War and Remembrance 5
Werkcollege Akkadisch: Procesoorkonden 5
Werkcollege BA2: Global Renaissance 5
Werkcollege Grieks: Thucydides 5
Werkcollege Latijn: Latijnse Taalkunde, corpusonderzoek 5