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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Interculturality 2: The Global Imagination 10
Interculturele aspecten van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
International Administration (Minor/Exchange) 5
International Commercial Law 5
International Marketing 5
International Relations in the Slavic Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus 10
International Strategy & Leadership 5
International Tax Law For Multinational Enterprises 5
Internationalism, Empire and the Cold War: 20th Century International Relations 10
Internet law 5
Internship Citizen’s Legal Advice Bureau 5
Internship Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Internship North American Studies (optional) 10
Introductie Moderne Natuurkunde 6
Introduction à la linguistique française 5
Introduction Ancient History (OG) 5
Introduction Dutch History (VG) 5
Introduction Economic and Social History (ESG) 5
Introduction French Literature I: 1500-1800 5
Introduction French Literature II: de 1800 à nos jours 5
Introduction Game Studies and Cultural Analysis 10
Introduction Game-Making for Beginners (Humanities and Social Sciences-students) 5
Introduction Greek Papyrology 5
Introduction Intercultural Management 2.5
Introduction Languages and Cultures of Africa 5
Introduction Medieval History (MG) 5
Introduction Second Language Acquisition 5
Introduction to Ancient Greek: Grammar and Reading Skills 1 and 2 5+5
Introduction to Asian Studies 5
Introduction to Assyrian and Cuneiform Script 10
Introduction to Buddhism 5
Introduction to Children's Rights 5
Introduction to dynamical systems (BM) 6
Introduction to European Competition Law 5
Introduction to Hindu Religions 5
Introduction to International Human Rights Law 5
Introduction to International Relations and Organizations 5
Introduction to Italian philology. Editing an Italian text 10
Introduction to Latin American modern history I 5
Introduction to Latin American modern history II 5
Introduction to Latin: Grammar and Reading Skills 1 and 2 5 en 5
Introduction to Middle Egyptian 10
Introduction to Middle Egyptian and the Hieroglyphic Script 10
Introduction to Old Khotanese 5
Introduction to Old Khotanese 5
Introduction to Perturbation Methods (BM) 6
Introduction to Programming 4
Introduction to Psychology 5
Introduction to Psychology (IBP) 5
Introduction to Public Administration 5