
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Research Skills and Scientific Integrity 3
Research Skills and Scientific Integrity (2EC) 2
Research traineeship applied analysis 6
Resilience to violence 5
Resilient Cities 8
Rethinking Secularism in International Relations 10
Retorisch vuurwerk: een canon van Nederlandse politieke toespraken 10
Rhetoric and Law 5
Rhetorical Theory, Past and Present 5
Rhetorics of Grammar 10
Rising Powers and the Future of the International Order 5
Robotics 6
Role of IT in Public Administration 6
Roman Law - Contract Law 5
Romance Linguistics 5
Romance Linguistics 1 5
Rule of law and democracy in a (trans)national context 5
Russian Foreign Policy 10
Russian Reading Skills 3 5
Russische leesvaardigheid 3 5
Safe City Lecture Series 5
Sanskrit 1 10
Sanskrit 2 10
Sanskrit 3 10
Sanskrit 4 10
Schrijven over cultuur, Taalvaardigheid II 5
Schrijven over Taal, Taalvaardigheid II 5
Science and the public: contemporary and historical perspectives 6
Science Communication and Society Elective 1/10
Science Communication and Society Project Proposal 3
Science Journalism 4
Science Methodology (SCM) 4
Sciences and Humanities 4
Scientific Computing and Programming (SC) 6
Scrivere la natura. Letteratura ed ecologia 10
SCS: Scientific Narration and Visualization 3
Second Language Acquisition 10
Security: Policing Studies 5
Semantics 1 5
Semantics 2 5
Séminaire de recherche: L’empire immatériel de la langue francaise dans le monde arabe (1880-1980) 5
Séminaire de recherche: La littérature française des Pays-Bas (1200-1800) 5
Séminaire de recherche: Le français en Afrique et aux Caraïbes: changement linguistique, créolisation et langues de jeunes 5
Séminaire de recherche: Lire Camus au 21e siècle 5
Séminaire pratique: Le Français des Affaires 5
Séminaire pratique: Le Français Juridique 5
Seminar BA2: Seeing Time: The Temporality of the Image 5
Seminar BA3: Inventing a Nation: National Museums and the Formation of Identity 10
Seminar Combinatorial Algorithms 6
Seminar Greek: Shem in the tents of Japhet: Exploring cultural negotiation in Greco-Roman Jewish-Greek literature 10