180EC is required to be able to graduate. One of the four elective classes the student takes during the first-year should count towards the eventual Major, Minor/Electives component, or Global Citizenship.
the standard course load is 15 EC per block.
students have the option to go abroad for a semester, provided they are in good academic standing; this semester abroad should ideally take place in the first semester of the third year and its courses typically count towards the 30EC elective component.
Important Acronyms
EES: Earth, Energy, and Sustainability
CHS: Culture, History & Society
GED: Governance, Economics, and Development
GPH: Global Public Health
IJ: International Justice
WP: World Politics
GC: Global Citizenship
Year 1
Block 1: a) Global Challenges: Diversity, b) Academic Writing, c) History of Philosophy, d) Introduction to Statistics
Block 2: a) Global Challenges: Sustainability, b) Academic Writing, c) History of Philosophy, d) Elective 1
Block 3: a) Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, b) Elective 2, c) Elective 3
Block 4: a) Global Challenges: Prosperity, b) Mathematical Reasoning / Mathematical Modeling, c) Elective 4
General Information Year 1 Programme
The first-year programme also allows students to enroll in four 5EC elective courses, one in Block 2, two in Block 3, and one again in Block 4. These courses represent an ideal opportunity for students to explore other facets of the academic programme not represented in the compulsory part the first-year programme. As their first-year elective courses, students may select any of the 100-level courses below.
The following Majors are offered at LUC:
Apart from the Year 1 elective courses, there is an additional electives component amounting to 30EC worth of courses. Students can use this elective space to either take a Minor, take a set of elective courses, or take a Semester Abroad.
Students may complete a Minor in one of the following ways:
Minor in a Major; a student selects 30EC worth of courses (at least two at 300-level) within one of LUC’s six Majors.
A Minor included in the official list of Leiden University Minors. Please contact the Board of Examiners prior to starting the Minor for approval to include its courses into your LUC programme.
A student who wants to include a Minor from another university needs to ask permission from the Board of Examiners.
Please note that per 2023-2024, LUC no longer offers it five in-house Minors. The courses of these Minors can still be taken as elective courses and can be found below.
Instead of doing a Minor, it is also possible to take 30EC of electives. This option requires a set of elective courses (30EC) within the context of the individual study plan. Do note that a maximum of 15 EC of post-first-year 100-level courses may be used towards the 30EC elective space. The selection of courses should be in consultation with the student’s academic advisor and/or study advisor. Any course of a Major or Minor can be taken as an elective. It's also possible to take an external (i.e. non-LUC) class, but in that case you will need permission from the Board of Examiners to include the course in your programme.
Semester Abroad
Student can use the 30 EC elective space to go on a Semester Abroad. For more information, please visit our website.
The Global Citizenship component offers students various options to develop their cross-cultural communication and reflection skills, and increase their appreciation of cultural and social diversity. This can be done by learning another language, participating in a community project, or by taking classes on citizenship. Each path aims to increase the understanding of and communication with people from other cultures.
Note: most of these are semester-long courses and therefore run for the duration of the semester, i.e. Blocks 1+2 or Blocks 3+4.
Some of these courses may involve additional costs for students, such as an additional tuition fee or travel costs to another city in the Netherlands for an excursion. LUC has a limited fund available to help students who are unable to pay for these costs. Please contact financial.support@luc.leidenuniv.nl, including the course title, a description of the costs, and a very brief explanation why you are unable to cover these costs.
The 400 level of studies at LUC consists of a Capstone Thesis course, the successful completion of which is worth 10 EC. Students’ main activity in this course is to undertake an independent research project within their major under the guidance of a supervisor. During a period of approximately one semester, students first develop and complete a research proposal, and next write a thesis based on research they are doing. The Capstone differs from other LUC courses in that there are no regular class meetings. The Brightspace site of the course serves as a platform for the key resources and guidelines.
Learning Outcomes
Firstly, the Capstone Thesis course allows students to gain knowledge about the topic they choose to do research on. Upon successful completion of the thesis, the student is likely to have gained fairly specialised and in-depth knowledge about that theme.
Secondly, by doing the Capstone students are expected to acquire certain skills. First among them are the cognitive skills of researching and analysing a particular subject. The Capstone is further intended to help students improve their skills in oral and written communication. By designing their project, doing the research and writing their thesis, students are also expected to improve their skills in reflecting and independent learning.
Further details about what those skills imply are given at the Leiden University student website and in the Capstone Handbook, which is available to enrolled students.
Admission Requirements
To be enrolled in the Capstone Thesis course, students must have completed at least 120 ECs. Students are also strongly encouraged to have successfully completed a Research Design course at LUC prior to their Capstone semester.
Each Capstone Thesis Course spans one semester; hence, one such course is offered in the autumn semester (Semester 1) and another in the spring semester (Semester 2). Once enrolled in the course, students are expected to submit a supervisor form as soon as they have found a supervisor. Later the proposal is due, and finally the thesis. The timeline will be given on the Brightspace site of the course; visible to students and staff once they are enrolled. This Brightspace site provides further information about the Capstone process.
The Capstone Administration, email: capstone@luc.leidenuniv.nl
Research Clinics (5 ECTS) introduce students to academic research by engaging them in ongoing research projects of LUC staff members. Students are invited to participate within various stages of a project, ranging from the set-up or the application for research grants, over the gathering of data and the drafting of findings, to the final polishing of a text and preparing it for publication.
Depends on clinic, see links below. While any clinic can be used as an elective class within a student's elective space, some clinics can also be used towards (a) particular Major(s).” Please note students can use only one research clinic towards the 180 ECTS necessary to graduate. Any additional clinics will count as extracurricular activities.
Level and ECTS
All clinics are offered at the 200-level and generate 5 ECTS.
Admissions requirements
Academic writing (or equivalent)
Other requirements may be in place for specific research projects.
Second or third year students only
Registration for Semester 2 Research Clinics
Please submit a short motivation on why you want to participate in the clinic of your choice to course.administration@luc.leidenuniv.nl. The deadline to do so is WEDNESDAY 1 JANUARY 2025. On the day after the deadline, applications/motivations will be forwarded to the Clinic instructors, who will select the participants for their own clinics.
Clinics, Semester 2, 2024-2025
Elective: How Money Matters: Improving Student Socioeconomic Diversity and Inclusion at LUC, Dr. Anar Ahmadov
Elective: Designing for Diversity: Research on Inclusive Pedagogy, Dr. Kristin Makszin
Elective: Mapping Societal Engagement at LUC, Dr. Josien de Klerk
Elective: Witnessing Motherhood, Dr. Josien de Klerk
Elective, CHS, WP: Forgery & Propaganda in the Dutch Republic (1600-1800) II, Dr. Jacqueline Hylkema
Elective, EES: Muddy Boots & Muddy Waters: Summit to Sea, Dr. Paul Hudson
Elective, EES: Soil Carbon Dynamics in Managed Dune Landscapes, Dr. Achim Häger & Dr. Paul Hudson
Elective, GED: Game Design Collective: How to Build Games that Boost Student Motivation and Learning?, Dr. Caroline Archambault & Dr. David Ehrhardt
Elective, GPH: Virtual Reality Research Clinic: Exploring Change Through Technology, Dr. Joy Lee & Dr. Minjung Cho
Elective, IJ: Climate Change, Artifiical Intelligence & (International) Law, Dr. Barrie Sander
Elective, GED: The Role of Fiction in the Public Policy Classroom: Teaching Soft Skills Through the Use of Novels, Dr. Diana Branduse
Clinics, Semester 1, 2024-2025
Elective: Education for Sustainable Development: A State of the Literature, Dr. Hanne Cuyckens
Elective: The Ecology Project Anthology, Dr. Ann Wilson
Elective, CHS, WP: Political Forgery in the Dutch Republic (1600-1800), Dr. Jacqueline Hylkema
Elective, EES: Soil Carbon Dynamics in Managed Dune Landscapes, Dr. Achim Häger & Dr. Paul Hudson
Elective, GPH: Health Policy Research in Practice, Dr. Kristin Makszin & Dr. Jyothi Thrivikraman
Elective, GPH: Designing for Diversity: Research on Inclusive Pedagogy, Dr. Kristin Makszin
Elective, IJ: Lawfare, Dr. Otto Spijkers
Elective, IJ: Advancing EU External Relations Law, Dr. Joris Larik
Course objectives
After having successfully completed this course, students will have be proficient in one or more of the following course objectives to be able to :
formulate research questions and structure a collective project;
draft and revise an academic text of high quality;
utilize specific research skills and methodologies in the context of a larger research question,
cooperate in a research team.
As such, this course provides excellent preparation for students’ Capstone projects as well as later academic research at graduate or post-graduate level.
Once accepted for a clinic, students should check with the clinic coordinator about meeting times.
Mode of instruction
Each student is expected to meet with her/his project leader regularly to discuss her/his progress, receive feedback on earlier work, ask questions and outline further assignments.
Individual project leaders may require additional meetings during which students can be asked to give presentations to all project participants. Project leaders may also ask students to attend specialist lectures, seminars or conferences – insofar as relevant for the project.
Important: students are expected to keep a log of their activities, detailing per hour spent on the project what they have accomplished.
Participation during research clinic meetings
Weekly assignments
Keeping a research log
Note that all assignments as well as the final grade for the clinic will be stated as Pass/Fail.
This course is open to LUC students and LUC exchange students. Registration is coordinated by the Curriculum Coordinator. Interested non-LUC students should contact course.administration@luc.leidenuniv.nl.
Are you an international student and interested in spending a semester or a year studying at Leiden University College (LUC) in The Hague? This page contains all the relevant information on course offerings for incoming exchange students.
For general information about LUC’s unique character and structure within Leiden University as well as the application criteria please visit the LUC The Hague website for incoming exchange.
LUC Exchange students may select any course offered at LUC. However, please do take into account the following:
LUC maintains a maximum of 22 students per course. This means your enrolment in any specific course cannot be guaranteed. Courses will be allocated about a month before the start of the autumn semester and about two weeks before the start of the spring semester (due to the winter holidays). For more information please refer to LUC’s website for incoming exchange.
Some courses may have prerequisites, which are indicated in the course descriptions listed in this e-Prospectus. If you are worried you might not meet these prerequisites, please contact the listed course instructor.
Please realise that choosing LUC as your semester abroad destination means you take up all of your courses at LUC.
At LUC, all courses are part of different Majors and Minors. As an exchange student, you will not complete the entire academic programme; the Majors and Minors therefore do not directly apply to you. Nevertheless, they might come in handy when choosing your courses, as it will allow you to search those courses that correspond to your academic interests.
Please find below and overview of the different Majors and Minors. Follow the links to see an overview of the different courses which are part of the Majors and Minors.
Minors / Elective courses
See this page.
In addition to the courses which are part of the different Majors, there are also courses which are part of the compulsory (for degree-seeking LUC students) first-year programme and so-called Global Citizenship courses. All these courses are open to incoming exchange students as well.
The first-year courses fall under the broad categories of Global Challenges, General Education, and Academic Skills. Please click here to find the course descriptions of the first-year courses (scroll down and find courses listed as ‘Compulsory Year 1 courses’).
Click here for an overview of the Global Citizenship courses.