Management Specialisation
The Management specialisation is offered by Leiden University Medical Center in collaboration with the Faculty of Science. This specialisation encompasses the compulsory components of the master’s programme (at least 60 EC) combined with courses from the Business programme at the Faculty of Science and a management internship. It broadens the student’s perspective predominantly in the field of management (e.g. marketing, finance, project management). The specialisation prepares students for a career outside scientific research, but graduates will also be equipped to pursue a career within scientific biomedical research. The entire programme is taught in English.
Mandatory business courses are: Strategy and Technology, Marketing Science, Strategic Financial Management and Operations Management (15 EC in total). These courses can be combined with elective business courses. Students with prior education in management, business and/or entrepreneurship (e.g. students who have completed the Science Based Business (SBB)/Business Studies Fundamentals course – Bachelor edition) are exempted from following these 4 courses. In this case the mandatory courses need to be substituted by at least an equal number of EC of other SBB/Business studies master courses, or business courses elsewhere. For detailed description of the course modules/components of Business studies, please refer to the website of Business studies directly .
The management internship (26-42 EC) will be executed at an organization/company with a link to the biomedical field. Approval of this internship should be given beforehand by the examination board of the master Biomedical Sciences. Prior to the internship an internship proposal (3 EC) is written.
Please check the list below for a detailed description of the components involved in the Management specialisation.
Communication Specialisation
The Communication specialisation is offered by Leiden University Medical Centre in collaboration with the Faculty of Science. This specialisation encompasses the compulsory components of the master’s programme (at least 60 EC) combined with courses from the Science, Communication and Society (SCS) programme at the Faculty of Science and a communication internship. It broadens the student’s perspective predominantly in the field of communication (e.g. writing for a newspaper, website or science magazine or working for a museum). The specialisation prepares students for a career outside scientific research, but graduates will also be equipped to pursue a career within scientific biomedical research. The entire programme is taught in English. For Dutch students it is also possible to follow writing classes in Dutch and to do an internship in an environment where Dutch is the only or preferred language.
Mandatory SCS courses are: Informal Science Education, Policy & Development in science and Society, Research in science communication, Science Journalism (ENG) / Wetenschapsjournalistiek (NL), Science Communication product development and SCS Scientific Narration and Visualization (23 EC in total). For detailed description of the SCS courses, please refer to the website of SCS directly .
A communication internship (23- 34 EC) will be executed at an organization/company/museum with a link to the biomedical field. The internship should contain a research project related to communication of at least 10 EC. A communication research internship can also be performed separately from a more practical communication internship. A proposal is written prior to the start of the communication research internship. Approval of the internship(s) should be given beforehand by the examination board. Please check the list below for a detailed description of the components involved in the Communication specialisation.
Education Specialisation
Fluency in Dutch required!
Deze specialisatie is bedoeld voor studenten die een baan als eerstegraads biologiedocent op een middelbare school ambiëren, of zich anderszins willen specialiseren in onderwijs. Maar de mogelijkheid om verder te gaan in het biomedisch onderzoek, blijft ook met een diploma in deze specialisatie bestaan.
De opleiding is deels in het Engels en deels in het Nederlands.
Het programma bevat, naast de verplichte onderdelen van de opleiding Biomedical Sciences (totaal 60 EC), twee onderdelen (in totaal ook 60 EC) bij het ICLON, namelijk:
Het programma van de biologiedeficiënties omvat de volgende onderdelen en kan in zelfstudie worden uitgevoerd.
Voor een inhoudelijke beschrijving van de cursussen bij het ICLON wordt verwezen naar de studiegids van het ICLON.
Career Preparation
During the Master Biomedical Sciences (BMS) we want to provide you with the best possible preparation to enter the job market after graduation. Besides obtaining knowledge in the field of biomedical sciences, you will develop skills, gain practical experience, orientate on positions & careers, and reflect on your own profile and personal development.
To this end, the programme of the master BMS contains the mandatory course Career Orientation of 2 EC. The assignments and activities within Career Orientation are designed to stimulate you to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as well as discover your career options and choices, and are spread out through your whole master programme. You will get to know the broad job market for Biomedical Scientists by meeting researchers, alumni and employers during the various activities within this course. You will practice how to present your professional profile to your network. Entering the job market should feel like a logical follow-up of your activities in the master and this course offers the opportunity to find out what you can and want to do with your master’s degree Biomedical Sciences.
Activities within Career Orientation
In the Brightspace module Career orientation, labeled with your study year, instructions are provided for all assignments.
First year
Reflection assignment 1: You are here!
Professional Development Plan JRP-1 (part I and II)
Reflection assignment 2: Choosing your direction
Second year
Throughout the master
LUMC Career Service
LUMC also offers Career Service. Career Service of the Medicine Faculty offers support if you have questions about your career, the job market and job applications, and organizes workshops on a variety of job related subjects. Are you looking for career advice? Visit the Career Service of Medicine!
More information:
Leiden University Career Zone
The Leiden University Career Zone is the website for students and alumni of Leiden University to support their (study) career planning. You will find advice, information, video recordings of webinars and tools such as professional tests to get an idea of your personal profile. You can also explore positions and sectors, you will find tips about CV, job application, LinkedIn and there is a vacancy platform that you can make use of.
Mentor network
Leiden University likes to prepare students and young alumni well for the job market. For this we use the knowledge and experience of Leiden alumni. To bring students and young alumni with questions about their careers into contact with experienced alumni, Leiden University has established the Mentor Network. Students and young alumni can register for free.