
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Information Theoretic Data Mining - CANCELLED 6
Information Visualization and the Humanities 5
Inleiding Afrikaanse Talen en Taalkunde 5
Inleiding Akkadisch en spijkerschrift 10
Inleiding Astrofysica 4
Inleiding dramatische media 10
Inleiding in de Moderne Geschiedenis van Latijns-Amerika I 5
Inleiding in de Moderne Geschiedenis van Latijns-Amerika II 5
Inleiding in de Psychologie 5
Inleiding Tweedetaalverwerving 5
Inorganic Chemistry in Life 5
Integratie: Sequence Analysis 3
Integratie: Technology trends 3
Integration: Biological Data Sharing 3
Intensive Language Instruction French Advanced 5
Intensive Language Instruction French Intermediate 5
Intensive Language Instruction Moroccan Arabic Advanced 5
Intensive Language Instruction Moroccan Arabic Beginners 5
Intensive Language Instruction Moroccan Arabic Intermediate 5
Interculturality 1: Key Concepts 10
International Administration (Minor/Exchange) 5
International Corporate Insolvency Law 5
International Political Economy 5
International Regulation 5
International Tax Law for Multinational Enterprises 5
Internationale Betrekkingen in Latijns-Amerika 5
Interstellar Medium 6
Introduction Languages and Cultures of Africa 5
Introduction to Buddhism 5
Introduction to Children's Rights 5
Introduction to Contemporary China A: Politics, Economics, and Society of Modern China 5
Introduction to Deep Learning 6
Introduction to dynamical systems (BM) 6
Introduction to Hindu Religions 5
Introduction to International Organisations 5
Introduction to International Relations 8
Introduction to International Studies 5
Introduction to Machine Learning 6
Introduction to Middle Egyptian 10
Introduction to Public Administration 5
Introduction to Secret Affairs 5
Introduction to Sumerian 5
Introduction to the Neurosciences 6
Introduction to the Study of Islam 5
Introduction to Video Game Making 6
Introduzione alla filologia italiana. Editare un testo in Italiano 10
IP Law in Science 5
Islam in Southeast Asia: The Basics 5
Italiaans: Italiano I (Taalvaardigheid keuzevak voor niet hoofvakstudenten Italiaans) 5
Italiaans: Italiano II (Taalvaardigheid keuzevak voor niet hoofvakstudenten Italiaans) 5