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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Courses MA Linguistics: Linguistics 10/20
Courses MA Literary Studies 10/20
Courses Modern Languages: English 10/20
Courses Modern Languages: French 10/20
Courses Modern Languages: German 10/20
Courses Modern Languages: Italian 10/20
Courts and Sentencing 5
Creatief schrijven: Vier cruciale keuzes 5
Creative Writing 5
Creativity and Culture in Contemporary China 10
Crime and Criminal Justice: East Asian Perspectives 10
Crime and Migration 5
Criminalistics 5
Criminaliteit en beleid in grote steden 5
Criminaliteitsbestrijding - wat mag er, wat gebeurt er en wanneer werkt het en wanneer niet? 5
Criminologie Voor Juristen 5
Criminologische Vaardigheden 5
Crisis Management 10
Crisis, Literature and the Contemporary 10
Critical Museology 5
Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness 5
Cross-domain chromatin organisation (CDC) 4
Crossmediale Onderzoeksjournalistiek 5
Crucial Skills 5
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants 10
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants (ResMA) 10
Culture and Diversity at Work 5
Culture and Language: Africa 5
Culture and Language: East Asia 5
Culture and Language: Europe 5
Culture and Language: Latin America 5
Culture and Language: Middle East 5
Culture and Language: North America 5
Culture and Language: Russia and Eurasia 5
Culture and Language: South and South-East Asia 5
Culture and Society in the Medieval Muslim World 10
Culture and Society in the Medieval Muslim World (ResMA) 10
Culture and Society of the Netherlands: An Inside View 5
Culture as Soft Power in Morocco 5
Cultuurgeschiedenis van Anatolië 5
Cultuurkunde I: Histoire et culture 5
Cultuurkunde III: Francophonies 5
Cultuurkunde voor Vertalers 10
Curating Cultures 5
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History III 10
Current Issues & Archaeology: Global Networks of the Silk Roads 5
Current Issues in Digital Archaeology 5
Current Issues in Quaternary Research 5
Current Issues in the Archaeology of the Americas 5
Cursus praktische data-analyse met SPSS 2