
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Giornalismo culturale: scrittori, stampa, storia (Corso monografico) 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Lusophone World (LK4 / B) 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Portuguese-Speaking World (LK4 / A) 5
Global Political Economy 5
Governance & Ethics 5
Graduation Project 30
Grammatica/Schrijven - Taalvaardigheid II 5
Great Cases 5
Grieks: taalkunde 5
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde (ResMA) 10
Hands-On: Reflective Game Development in Action 10
Heidegger - van Dasein tot Kehre 10
Het Spaanse wereldrijk in de zestiende eeuw 10
Hindi 4 10
Hindi in Practice 5
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Historical Criminology 5
Historiografie en Geschiedfilosofie 5
History of Contemporary Music Composition 2
History of the Book II: Special course 5
Honours College FSW Science & Society Conference 1
Honours Lectures 5
Human Rights Conceptions in a Pluralist World 5
Human Rights Protection in Europe 5
Human Security: Poverty 5
Identiteit shopping in het Romeinse Rijk? Debatten over romanisering, globalisering en acculturatie 10
Immunobiologie 3
Imperia in Azië 1200-1800 5
Individual project 5
Indo-European Morphology 10
Indonesian 4 10
Indonesian in Practice 5
Inleiding Maattheorie 3
Innovating Health and Well-being through Entrepreneurship 5
Institutions in Time 5
Integrated Mandarin III: intermediate II 5
Integration: Biological Data Sharing 3
Intentie, motivatie, en het morele brein 10
Interdisciplinary Project Groups 12
International Relations in the Middle East (ResMA) 10
International Space Law and Policy 8
Internetchinees 5
Internetjournalistiek 5
Internship 10
Internship 5
Internship and Master Thesis 34
Internship BA3 5
Internship Project Seminar and Thesis - Spring 2020 (September intake) 30
Intimate strangers. Koloniale ontmoetingen en ideeën over verschil 10
Introductie Beleid 5