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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Evaluatie van criminaliteitsbeleid 5
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariële studentstage 5
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities 6
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities Blended Learning 6
Financial Law 5
Fiscale Ethiek 5
Forensische Psychiatrie 5
Forensische victimologie 5
Formeel strafrecht civiel effect 5
Fundamental Rights & Digital Technologies 5
Fundamental Social Rights 5
Governance & Ethics 5
Great Books 5/10
Great Books 5/10
Hervorming van Sociale Regelgeving 5
Human Rights Conceptions in a Pluralist World 5
Human Rights, Security and Fair Adjudication of Justice 5
Huwelijksvermogensrecht 10
Inkomstenbelasting 5
Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Environment 5
Interaction Between Children's Rights And Other International Legal Systems 10
Internationaal privaatrecht (civiel) 5
Internationaal privaatrecht (notarieel) 5
International Arbitration 4
International Arbitration in Public International Law 5
International Commercial Arbitration and Litigation 5
International Contract Law 10
International Corporate Insolvency Law 5
International Corporate Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Criminal Litigation (ICL) 5
International Dispute Settlement 5
International Economic Law and Sustainable Development (PJD) 5
International Human Rights Law 10
International Humanitarian Law 5
International Insolvency Law 5
International Institutional Law 5
International Investment Law and Arbitration 5
International Labour Law 10
International Property Law 10
International Protection of Human Rights 5
International Space Law and Policy 8
International Space Law and Policy Blended Learning 8
International Tort and Insurance Law 5
Internet Governance 5
Internet Privacy and EU Data Protection 5
Law Clinic 5/10
Law, Ethics and Politics of International Dispute Settlement 5
Making Human Rights Work: Legal and Non-Legal Strategies 5