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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Hunter-gatherer Archaeology 5
ICT Architectures 6
ICT Enabled Process Innovation 3
Image Analysis with Applications in Microscopy 6
In de bergen van Nederland: moderne reisliteratuur in en over Nederland 10
In-vivo biomolecular interactions underlying diseases (IBID) 6
Information Retrieval and Text Analytics 6
Information-theoretic learning 6
Innate Immune Systems 6
Innate Immune systems 6
Innovations in eHealth Care 5
Integrative Taxonomy 6
Interculturality 1: Key Concepts 10
Interculturality 2: The Global Imagination 10
Intermediate Sumerian 5
International Relations in the Slavic Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus 10
Internship 10
Internship and Master Thesis 34
Interstellar Medium 6
IP Law in Science 5
Issues in Language Endangerment and Documentation 5
Italiano L2 e metodi per l’apprendimento dell’italiano come L2 10
Jenseits der Menschenwelt? Natur, Kultur und Sprache in den Filmen Werner Herzogs 10
Junior Research Project II 40/54
Key Developments in European Prehistory 5
Laboratory Work for Material Culture Studies 5
Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorum and the Enemies of Christianity 10
Language and Identity of Minorities in Siberia 10
Language Documentation 5
Language Evolution 3
Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 6
Le jeu littéraire au seuil de l'époque moderne 10
Leading and Managing People 5
Legal texts in 1st millennium BCE Assyria and Babylonia 10
Letteratura e giornalismo: Dall'elzeviro alla rubrica d'autore 10
Literature and Theory: Derrida, Foucault, Butler 10
Literature and Theory: Derrida, Foucault, Butler 10
Literatuur en burgerschap. Nederlandse identiteit van de vroegmoderne tijd tot vandaag. Online cursus. 10
Literatuur en cultuur in Antwerpen (1300-1600) 10
Literatuur en politiek: de casus Zuid-Afrika 10
Long-Distance Romance: la transmission du roman courtois médiéval 10
Looted Art and Restitution: History, Theory and Policy 10
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Making. Contemporary Art, Materiality, Agency 10
Managing Innovation 3
Managing the Digital Business 3
Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage Management 5
Marketing 3
Marketing Analytics 3
Master Thesis 24