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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Korean for Academic Purposes: advanced reading 5
Korean in Practice 5
Korean Language in Use 5
Korean Language Study in Korea 15
Kripke's Naming and Necessity 10
Krise und Kritik: Literatur von 1914 bis heute 5
Kritisch denken, kritisch schrijven 5
Kritische theorie 10
Kunst en commercie. Schilderkunst en de markt 1400-1700 5
Kunst en politiek in Latijns-Amerika (LK4) 5
Kunstmatige Intelligentie 6
Kwalitatieve Methoden 5
Kwantitatieve methoden 5
Kwantitatieve Moleculaire Biologie 4
L'expression de la quantité en français 10
L’Italia oggi (Cultuurkunde) 5
L’italiano contemporaneo 10
L) IE Auteursrecht 5
La recherche expérimentale 10
La tradizione novellistica 5
Laat Cursief (Abnormaal) Hiëratische Papyrologie I 10
Landscape Archaeology Projects 5
Landscape Dynamics 1 5
Landscape Dynamics 2 5
Landscape Heritage: Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development in Past and Present 5
Language & Diversity 5
Language acquisition 5
Language Acquisition 1: From Scratch to Print 5
Language Acquisition 2: The Spoken Word 5
Language Acquisition 3: Grammar in Writing 5
Language Acquisition 4: Appropriate and Inappropriate Language: Dimensions of Text Analysis 5
Language Acquisition 5: Theories and Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 5
Language Acquisition 6: Dimensions of Composition and Text Analysis 5
Language and Communication 5
Language and culture of the Indo-Europeans 5
Language and Linguistics: Tools and Methods 5
Language and Prehistory 5
Language and Thought 5
Language Contact 10
Language Course 5
Language Documentation 5
Language in the City 5
Language Learning and Teaching in a Globalising World 10
Language typology (10 EC) 10
Language Use in the World 5
Language, Culture and Cognition 10
Language, Power and Identity 5
Languages of South and Southeast Asia: History, Context and Structure 5
Languages of the World 5
Large Issues, Small Places: Theorizing Ethnographic Research 10