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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Taalvaardigheid IIc 5
Taalvaardigheid IId 5
Taalvaardigheid Spaans niveau 2 5
Taalvaardigheid Spaans niveau I 10
Tachtig jaar oorlog. Nieuwe perspectieven op de Nederlandse Opstand 5
Taiwan MA Seminar 10
Taiwan Studies seminar 5
Talen van de wereld 5
Talenpanorama van het Midden-Oosten 5
Taoïsme: de levende religie 5
Targum Aramees 5
Tekst-beeldanalyse 1: proza en film 5
Tekst-beeldanalyse 2: poëzie en 'andere' cinema 5
Tekst, macht, geld: literatuur in het moderne China 5
Teksten 1a 5
Teksten 1a 5
Teksten 1b 5
Teksten Hebreeuws 5
Teksten IIa 5
Tell el-Dab’a Seminar 5
Text Mining 6
Text, Thought and Culture 5
The "Ostjuden": East European Jews before, during and after the Holocaust 5
The “Other” in Classical Greece and the Hellenistic World: Women, Foreigners and Slaves 10
The Academic Art of Publishing: Theory and Practice 5
The Art and Practice of Public Speaking: an exploration of historical techniques 5
The Book in Print 5
The Chinese Civil War 5
The Communicative Mind: Investigating the Interplay between Language and Social Cognition 10
The Cyrus Cylinder in Context 10
The Double Conflict: Gender and National Identity in Israel/Palestine 10
The Environment and Global Capitalism 10
The Epic Course: A Pre-Modern Genre and its digital disclosure 10
The Essay Film in Theory and Practice - lecture series with film screenings 10
The EU and Africa 5
The EU in its Contemporary Security Environment 5
The European Union Today 5
The Gulf and Arabian Peninsula: power, class, mobilities 10
The History of European Integration 5
The History of Museums 10
The Holocaust: History, Memory, & Controversies 10
The Holocaust: Prefigurations and Cultural Representations 5
The Indian Ocean World: Sailors, Scholars, Slaves 5
The Living Quran 5
The Masks of Oscar Wilde: Imitation of Life in Literature, Criticism, Film 10
The Material City 5
The Middle East in the International Political Economy 10
The Middle East in the International Political Economy (ResMA) 10
The Museums of the Future: Ethics, Responsibilities and Practices 10
The Nature and Practice of Lobbying in the EU 5