
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academisch schrijven, Taalvaardigheid III 5
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN's) 3
Adoptie en pleegzorg in pedagogisch perspectief 5
Advanced Indo-European Morphology (Noun) 10
Advanced Morphology 10
Advanced Optical Imaging (Delft) 6
Advanced Readings in Sanskrit Literature 10
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics I 6
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II 6
Advanced Typology 10
Aerospace Law 5
African Networks: international relations, connectivity, diaspora 10
African Religions and Philosophies: Understanding Diversity and World Connections 5
Algebra 1 6
Algebra 2 6
Algebraic Curves (BM) 6
Algemene Geschiedenis van de Contemporaine Tijd 5
Algemene Geschiedenis van de Nieuwe Tijd 5
Alternative Payment Models 4
Analyse 1 (Wiskunde variant voor dubbelstudenten met Wiskunde) 6
Analyse 1 NA 6
Analyse 2 (Wiskunde variant voor dubbelstudenten met Wiskunde) 6
Analyse 2 NA 6
Analyse 3 NA 6
Anatolian Languages: Hittite and Luwian 5
Ancient Egyptian Law 5
Anthropological Linguistics 5
Anthropological Research in Practice 10
Anthropology of Religion 10
Antibiotics: Synthesis, Mechanisms of Action and Resistance (ASMAR) 4
Antieke Godsdiensten 5
Applied Issues in War Studies 10
Arbeidsrecht 5
Archaeological Theory (BA3) 5
Archeologie van de Levant 5
Argumentatie: kritisch denken en logisch redeneren 4
Argumenteren en overtuigen 5
Argumenteren voor Juristen 5
Art and Self in the Age of Consumerism 5
Art in Western Europe - 1800 5
Arts and Material Culture of Japan 5
Arts, Ecology, Animal Rights 5
Aspect of contemporary Italian 10
Aspetti dell'italiano contemporaneo 5
Astro-Particle Physics 6
Astrobiology 3
Astrochemistry 3
Astronomical Observing Techniques 5
Astronomical Relativity 6