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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Hindi 1 10
Hindi 2 10
Hindi 3 10
Hindi 4 10
Hindi Literature 10
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Historical Grammar of Greek 5
Histories of Modern South and Southeast Asia 5
Histories of Southeast Asia (10 EC) 10
Histories of Southeast Asia (5 EC) 5
Historiografie en Geschiedfilosofie 5
Historische sociolinguïstiek: taal in de stad 10
History and Culture of Modern Turkey 5
History of Central Asia & Afghanistan 5
History of Construction and Heritage 5
History of Contemporary Iran 5
History of European Decorative Arts 5
History of Japan to 1868 5
History of Modern Philosophy 5
History of Persian Language and Literature 5
History of Political Philosophy 5
History of Psychology 5
History of the Book I: Developments and Approaches 5
History of the Modern Middle East: Transformations and Challenges 5
Hittite 5
Hoe werkt literatuur? Analyse en interpretatie 5
Holocaust Icons in Arts, Film and Literature (minor) 5
Holy Wars in Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages 5
Hong Kong: Ontwikkelingen vanaf de Eerste Opiumoorlog tot aan het heden 5
Hoorcollege Algemene Geschiedenis van de Contemporaine Tijd (AGC) 5
Hoorcollege Algemene Geschiedenis van de Nieuwe Tijd (AGN) 5
Hoorcollege Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis (ESG) 5
Hoorcollege Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis (MG) 5
Hoorcollege Nederlandse Geschiedenis (NG) 5
Hoorcollege Oude Geschiedenis (OG) 5
How The World Makes Art 5
HUM Lecture Japanese Film 5
HUM Seminar Klassiek Japans 1 5
Human Computer Interaction and Information Visualization (Bsc) 6
Human Computer Interaction and Information Visualization (Msc) 6
Human Rights, Legal Personhood, Literature 5
Hunter-gatherer Archaeology 5
Huwelijksvermogensrecht 10
Identiteit, Sociale Maskers en Latijns-Amerikaanse Literatuur 5
Ik vertrek. Nederlandse emigratieliteratuur 10
Image Analysis with Applications in Microscopy 6
Imagining Reconciliation in Literature, Art and Media: Early Modernity to the Present Day 10
Imagining the City 5
Immigratierecht 5
Immigration, Integration and Non-Discrimination 5