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Science Communication and Society

Admission Requirements

Admissible to the specialisation Science Communication and Society are all students that are admitted to one of the designated Master Programmes of the Faculty of Science (see programs below) or the Master Programme in Biomedical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine (LUMC) provided that the rules and regulations of the subject Master Programme do allow so. Preferably, the BSc programme has included some coursework in (science) communication.

In addition, international applicants must provide proof of proficiency in English with an IELTS ≥ 6.5.

Please apply to the SCS specialisation through our registration form (see Registration)


The specialisation Science Communication and Society (SCS) concerns science communication in a broad sense. The programme focuses on the link between science and society and covers knowledge and skills in the field of science communication.

The programme prepares students for a career in the area of science communication, for example, as a science communicator, a science policymaker or a public relations or health communication officer, or for a career as a scientist with a communicating mind-set. For future science teachers the specialisation is also a valuable preparation.

Students with an MSc specialisation Science Communication and Society are admissible to a PhD programme in their MSc research field or in Science Communication.


The MSc programme in combination with the Science Communication and Society specialisation consists of two components:

  • a component within the chosen MSc programme: Astronomy, Biology, Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Life Science and Technology, Mathematics, Physics or Biomedical Sciences (LUMC) of 60-80 EC

  • a Science Communication and Society component of 40-60 EC

Preferably, the component within the chosen MSc programme should be followed during the first year of study. The Science Communication and Society component should be followed during the second year.

The SCS specialisation programme has a full-time study load and comprises at least 40 EC and a maximum of 60 EC, including:

  • SCS Courses (23 EC):

    • Research in Science Communication (4EC)

    • Innovative Methods in Science Communication and Society (3EC)

    • Policy and Development in Science and Society (4EC)

    • Science Journalism/Wetenschapsjournalistiek (4EC)

    • Informal Science Education (4EC)

    • Science Communication Product Development (4EC)

  • Internship:

    • SCS Project Proposal (3 EC)

    • SCS Internship(s) (14-34 EC)


If you are interested in following the SCS specialisation or any of the courses in particular starting from September 2024 you can register through our registration form. You also need to register via MyStudyMap (uSis).


For any information regarding the courses or the SCS specialisation in general you can contact our department through:

More information can be found at our website

SCS Specialisation

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Research in Science Communication 4
Innovative Methods in Science Communication and Society 3
Policy and Development in Science and Society 4
Wetenschapsjournalistiek (SCS) 4
Science Journalism 4
Informal Science Education 4
Science Communication Product Development 4
Science Communication and Society Project Proposal 3
Science Communication and Society Internship 14/34


The Science Communication and Society department currently provides one elective course for master students.

The course Science Communication & Society Elective is available for SCS students; other students need permission from their exam board and the SCS coordinator.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Science Communication and Society Elective 1/10