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Biology: Biology and Education


This is a specialisation of the Biology Master.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Johan Memelink, email:

For a description of the full programme read the information button!

All theory is minimally on level 400. The choices for courses and research project will be made together with the coordinator of the program and need his/her approval. They may be elected from the MCB and EBC programmes.

Year 1: Biology programme
Year 2: Education programme

First Year

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Academic Skills for HBO bachelors 1
Advanced Topics in Phylogenetic Reconstruction 4
Basic Molecular Biological Techniques 3
Biodiversity and Society 3
Bioprospecting: biodiversity as source for finding leads for drug development 4
Biosynthesis of Secondary Metabolites 2
Chromatography course 4
Cognitive neuroscience 4
Collections and Research 1
Economic Botany 3
Entomology and Paelobiology 5
Ethnobotanical Knowledge Systems (EKS) 3
Fundamentals Science Based Business 17
General Research Skills for Biodiversity Research (mastertracks AnB, BTS, EES and S&B) 10
Introduction to Phylogenetic Analysis 2
Mathematical modelling in biology 6
Metabolomics 4
Microbial Ecology of the Soil 6
Natural Products I 4
Natural Products II 9
Phylogeny and diversity of land plants and fungi 4
Plant Cell Biotechnology for the Production of Fine Chemicals 4
Plant Families South East Asia 4
Principles of Conservation Biology 4
Proefdierkunde (Dutch) 3
Science Communication 2
Signaling 4
Structure elucidation 4
Theoretical overview Evolutionary Ecology 13

Courses organised by other Departments

Cognitieve neurowetenschappen / Cognitive Neuroscience 4
Computational Analysis of Metabolomics Data (Statistical Analysis) 4
Experimental oncology 6
Fysische antropologie 3
Modern Drug Discovery: From Biology and Structure to New Chemical Entity 4
Pharmacogenomics 4
Stress Hormones and Pathophysiology of the Nervous System 4

Meer info


The MSc program Biology and Education prepares students for a career in teaching Biology. The program includes a 60-EC Biology research program. Students with a MSc in Biology and Education are also admissible to a PhD program.

Qualifications for admission

Students from any university in the Netherlands with a BSc degree in Biology will be admitted to the program. For all other (international) candidates, the Board of Admissions will judge how equivalent their BSc degree is to the Dutch degree. Applicants with a major in Biology will certainly be strongly considered. It is strongly recommended that the BSc program has included the 10-EC-course ‘Learning, Presentation and Communication’, offered by the Leiden School of Education (ICLON), or an equivalent course. Applicants must provide proof of proficiency in Dutch.


Biology (60 EC)
The research component of the Biology and Education specialisation consists of a biology research project of 36-40 EC (including 4 EC for a thesis and 1 EC for a colloquium) and 20-24 EC of advanced theory (courses, lectures and a mandatory seminar) to be selected in correspondence with the research topic. The research project is in one of the research groups of the Institute of Biology (IBL), Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) or National Herbarium of the Netherlands (NHN). All theory is minimally on level 400. The choices for courses and research project will be made together with the coordinator of the program and need his/her approval.

Education (60 EC)
The Education option of the MSc program Biology and Education is offered as a joint program of the faculty and the Leiden School of Education (ICLON) and consists of the following components:

Educational Theory: Level: 300, 5 EC
Supervision of Professional Development: Level: 400, 7 EC
Teaching Methodology: Level: 500, 10 EC
Specialisation: Level: 600, 8 EC
Teaching Practice: 30 EC

In their specialisation, student teachers develop their competences to substantially improve their practice (e.g., by developing and testing instruction on a specific topic). This program is adequate to obtain the so-called “eerste graads lesbevoegdheid” in biology needed for teaching at Dutch high schools.