
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Thesis Research Master African Studies 25
Thesis Research Project Industrial Ecology 30
Thesis Security Studies 15
Thesis seminar 0
Thesis Seminar (CA-DS) 5
Thesis Seminar Ancient Near East Studies 0
Thesis Seminar and Job Market Orientation (Religious Studies) 5
Thesis Seminar BA ATC 0
Thesis Seminar International Organisation - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Nationalism, Ethnic conflict and Development - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Nederlandse Politiek - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Parties, Parliaments and Democracy - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Philosophy 0
Thesis Seminar Philosophy 0
Thesis Seminar Philosophy (Spring) 0
Thesis Seminar Political Legitimacy and Justice - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Tutorial 2 5
Thesis Writing Seminar 5
Things to do with Texts: Natural History from the Renaissance to Darwin 5
Tibet: State and Society 5
Tibetan 4 10
Topical Readings in Pre-modern Chinese (ResMA) 10
Topics in Chinese Art History (ResMA) 10
Topics in Latin American Linguistics 5
Topics in Linguistics C: Language contact and Prehistory 5
Topics in Linguistics D: Experimental Pragmatics 5
Topics in Linguistics E: Introduction to descriptive statistics and programming in R for Linguists 5
Topics in Theoretical Physics: 6
Totalitarianism 5
Toxicologie 4
Transatlantic Ties from Truman to Trump 10
Transitional Justice 5
Transmissie en transformatie van cultuur in Europa, 800-1700 5
Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy Law 5
Tutorial (ResMA History) 10
Tweedetaalverwerving: de invloed van moedertaal en taalaanleg 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: didactiek en toetsing 5
Uitgeven Anno Nu 5
Understanding Imprisonment: The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Incarceration 5
United Nations Peacekeeping (PJD) 5
Universals and rarissima 5/10
Upper Intermediate Turkish 10
Upper-intermediate Persian 10
Using the Rule of Law to Close Dark Chapters of History? The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina 5
Vakken - XL 1/2
Value Added Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax 5
Values and Ambitions in Academic Education (cancelled) 5
Veldonderzoek Ecologie 6
Veldonderzoek Flora 6
Veldonderzoek Gedragsbiologie 5