
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Hormones and the Nervous System 10
Human Pathology 7
Human Rights Protection in Europe 5
Human Security: Food Security 5
Human Security: Poverty 5
Human Trafficking from a legal, policy-oriented and social science perspective 5
Humanitarianism and Sea Power. Justice and discipline aboard (1780-1880) 10
Identity Shopping in the Roman Empire: Debates around Romanization, Globalization and Acculturation 10
iGEM 2019 18
Immigration Law 5
Immunobiologie 3
Individual project 5
Indo-European linguistics II 10
Indo-European Morphology 10
Indonesian 4 10
Indonesian in Practice 5
Inequality and Political Representation 10
Inscriptions from the ancient world as a source for historians 5
Institutions in Time 5
Integrated Cell Biology (ICB) 2
Integrated Mandarin III: advanced II 5
Integrated Mandarin III: intermediate II 5
Integrated Project 2 10
Integratieopdracht in silico Geneesmiddelontwikkeling 3
Integration: Biological Data Sharing 3
Integration: Biomedical Security 3
Intentie, motivatie, en het morele brein 10
International Commercial Law 5
International Corporate Insolvency Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Migration and Refugee Law 5
International Political Economy 5
International Relations: on diplomacy and negotiations 5
International Relations: on diplomacy and negotiations (HC TGC) 5
International Security 5
International Tax Law 5
Internet Chinese 5
Internet law 5
Internetjournalistiek 5
Internship 5
Internship BA3 5
Internship Child and Family Science 15
Internship Digital Media in Human Development 15
Internship Educational Science 15
Internship Forensic Family Studies 20
Internship Learning problems and impairments (international track) 15
Internship Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Internship Special needs children in education 20
Interpretation and persuasion. Rhetoric in theory and practice’ 5
Interpretation and persuasion. Rhetoric in theory and practice’ 5