
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Attachment, parenting and development: research and clinical implications 5
Attended Lectures and Colloquia 1
Audio Processing and Indexing 6
Author and media 5
Automata Theory 6
Automated Machine Learning 6
Aux Armes, Citoyens! The French Revolution reconsidered 10
BA eindwerkstuk Chinastudies 10
BA eindwerkstuk Italiaanse taal en cultuur 10
BA Engels: Mentoraat 0
BA Internship AMS 15
BA Scriptieseminar Geschiedenis 0
BA Thesis Engelse taal en cultuur 10
BA Thesis History 15
BA Thesis Philosophy 10
BA Thesis Philosophy 10
BA-eindwerkstuk Franse taal en cultuur (Werkcollege, onderzoek, uitwerking en afronding) 5
BA1 Mentoraat Duitse taal en cultuur 1e semester
BA2 Seminar Arts, Media and Society: Art and Animals 5
BA3 Reading List Greek 5
BA3 seminar: Preservation as a Creative Practice in the Long Nineteenth Century 10
BA3 Seminar: Sensing Style: from Subcultures to Digital Bubbles 10
BA3 werkcollege Latijn: Epische geschiedenis: Lucanus’ Bellum civile en Romeinse historiografie 5
Bachelor Internship Art History 10/15
Bachelor Project International Relations and Organisations 2020-2021 20
Bachelor Project Internationale Politiek 2020-2021 20
Bachelor Project Politicologie 2020-2021 20
Bachelor Project Psychology 15
Bachelor Project: Research (N+S / S+N) 20
Bachelor Project: Research (S) 18
Bachelor Research Project (S+W) 24
Bachelorproject (10 ECTS) 10
Bachelorproject (15 ECTS) 15
Bachelorproject Academische Pabo 15
Bachelorproject Pedagogische Wetenschappen 15
Basic Laboratory Skills Course (PBV) 6
Basic Therapeutic Skills 5
Basispracticum 2 3
Baudelaire, poète et critique d'art 10
Beginnend Chinees A voor studenten ChES 5
Beginner's Hebrew 10
Beginner's Turkish 10
Beginners Course 1A - Language Acquisition I 15
Behaviour Training with Children 5
Behavioural Economic Insights 5
Beroemde Boeken 5
Bestuurskundig Onderzoek 5
Bestuurskundig onderzoek (NL Premaster) 5
Better Science for Computer Scientists - CANCELLED 3
Beyond the Boundaries of Healthcare 5