
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Dagelijkse toepassingen van de Epidemiologie - Journal Club (LUMC) 3
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
Das Eigene und das Andere: Kulturen, Medien und Identität 10
Data analysis with R 1
Data Mining 6
Data Science 5
Data Science 6
Data Science and Process Modelling 7
Data Science in Practice 6
Data Structures 6
Data-driven Policy Making 3
Databases 6
De canon herlezen: Nederlandse literatuur in mondiaal perspectief 10
De kracht van het gezin. Huishoudens, agency en sociale en economische ontwikkeling 10
De Oudheid in Muziek, Film 5
De oudste geschiedenis. Egypte en het Nabije Oosten tot ca. 1000 voor Christus. 5
De Sturende Kracht van Taal: Argumentative and Rhetorical Practices 10
De wereld van Sheherazade: cultuurgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwse islam 5
Debilerative Democracy and its Limits 10
Decentering International Relations: Views from the Global South 10
Decision Making: Theory and Practice 5
Deep History 5
Deep Rivers: The great migrations in African-American History 10
Democracy and its Discontents (cancelled) 10
Democracy and Populism 10
Democracy in America: The Public and the Private in U.S. Politics 10
Democracy, Political Parties and the Challenges of Representation 10
Democracy, Political Parties and the Challenges of Representation 10
Democratic Parties – Party Democracy? History of Political Parties in Europe, 1848-now 10
Democratie in Stad en Dorp 10
Democratizing Histories 10
Democratizing Histories 5
Democratizing Histories: Asia and the World (ResMA) 10
Demotic Papyrology I 10
Demotic Papyrology II 10
Demotic Papyrology III 5
Density Functional Theory in Practice (DIP) 6
Depression and other Stress Related Disorders 6
Description of a Non-western Language II: Berber 5
Description of a Non-western Language III: Leti 5
Descriptive linguistics 1 5
Descriptive Linguistics 2 5
Design and Analysis of Biomedical Studies 6
Design and Self-assembly of Biomolecules (DSB) 6
Design of Sustainable Biotechnological Processes 5
Designing Archaeological Research 5
Detection of Light a 3
Detection of Light b 3
Developing Research Proposals (ResMA History) 10
Development and Diversity in a Sociological Perspective 5