
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Japanese 3 Intermediate 5
Jeugdzorg in beweging: organisatie, beleid en werking 5
Jews and Judaism: An Introduction 5
Join the board 2/3
Joint Subject: The World of Saint Augustine 5
Journalism and New Media 3
Journalistieke en Redactionele Vaardigheden 5
Journey into Biomedical Sciences (BW-track)
JS Graduation seminar (LL 5
JS Graduation seminar (MACH 1) 5
JS Graduation seminar (MACH 2) 5
JS Graduation Seminar (MACH 3) 5
JS Graduation seminar (PEIR 1) 5
JS Graduation Seminar (PEIR 2) 5
JS Graduation Seminar (SC 1) 5
JS Graduation Seminar (SC 2) 5
JS Graduation Seminar (SC 3) 5
JS Seminar LL 5
JS Seminar MACH 5
JS Seminar PEIR 5
JS Seminar SC 5
JS Text Seminar LL 5
JS Text Seminar MACH 5
JS Text Seminar PEIR 5
JS Text Seminar SC 5
Junior Research Project I 29/49
Junior Research Project II 40/55
Junior Research Project II (Management specialisation) 26/42
Juridification 5
Juridische aspecten van Kindermishandeling 5
Juridische en Ethische aspecten 5
Jurisprudence and Civil Law 5
Jurisprudence and Penal Law 5
Jurisprudence and Public International Law 5
Jurisprudence and Public Law 5
Justice and Home Affairs 5
Juvenile Delinquency: Prevention and Repression 5
Juvenile Justice 5
Kant and Contemporary Moral Psychology 10
Kant's First Critique: Space, Time and Causation 10
Kant's Moral Philosophy 10
Keerpunten in de Geschiedenis van de Natuurwetenschappen 5
Kerncurriculum: Inleiding Religiewetenschappen 5
Kerncurriculum: Inleiding Taalwetenschap 5
Keuzeruimte (Duits) 15
Keuzeruimte (Invulling eerste en tweede semester Italiaans) 30
Keuzeruimte (Nederlands) 15
Keuzeruimte BA Latijns-Amerikastudies 30
Keuzeruimte Chinastudies 15
Keuzeruimte Geschiedenis 30