
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Biocatalysis 5
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-3 (BAST-3) 2
Biomedical imaging 15
Bioorganic Synthesis 5
Biotechnology, Integrated laboratory course 4
Biotechnology: from Gene to Bio-based Product 6
Boekgeschiedenis in de Praktijk 5
Bootcamp 2
Botany 5
Brain Diseases 5
Brazil: The Construction of a World Power 5
Building Blocks of Matter 6
Bureaucratic Revolution 5
Business Accounting 5
Business and Labour Rights 5
Business Game 5
Business Internship 20/30/40
Byzantine Archaeology 5
Caleidoscoop (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Caleidoscoop (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Caleidoscoop semester 2 (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Can the Subaltern Write: China’s Migrant Worker Culture (ResMA) 10
Capita Selecta Corporation Tax 5
Capita Selecta of European Law - Privatissimum 10
Capital Markets 5
Capolavori moderni e contemporanei 5
Case Studies in Cyber Security 5
Case-studies in Diversity: Public Spaces 5
Cases from research practice 3
Causal inference in Field Experiments 5
Celbiologie en kanker 3
Cell Signaling in Cancer and Drug Safety 5
Cellular signal transduction 5
Cellular therapies 15
Chemical Biotechnology (CBT) 6
Chemical Product Design (CPO) 6
Chemical Reactor Engineering 6
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Materials 6
Child And Family In Private International Law 5
Child Maltreatment and Youth Policy: Decisions and Implementation. 5
Child Protection And Children's Rights 5
Children and the Law 5
Children In The Justice System 5
Children's Rights And Digital Technologies 5
Children’s Rights from an International Comparative Perspectiv 5
China and Global Cyberspace (ResMA) 10
China and the Global Political Economy 5
China's International Political Economy (ResMA) 10
Chinese film and society 5