
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Scriptieseminar 0
Scriptieseminar Educatie in de Taal- en Cultuurwetenschappen 0
Scriptieseminar GLTC 0
SCS: Scientific Narration and Visualization 3
Searching for Sustainable Livelihoods: A Fieldcourse on Fieldwork in The Netherlands 10
Second Language Acquisition 10
Second Year Track - electives 30
Secret Affairs 2 5
Securing the Rule of Law 5
Security 6
Security and Technology 5
Security and the Rule of Law 5
Security Challenges in a Globalizing World 4
Security from Below 5
Security Governance in the Liberal Order 10
Security Integration Project 5
Security Networks and Technology 5
Security, Diplomacy, Mediation: Practitioners' Perspectives 5
Security: Actors, Institutions and Constellations 5
Security: Policing Studies 5
Selected Bibliography [Capita Selecta] and Bachelor Thesis (5+10 EC) 10 + 5
Semantics 1 5
Semantics 2 5
Semester Abroad 30
Semi-apothekercoschap 15
Semi-artsstage 22/28/34
Séminaire de recherche: La recherche expérimentale 5
Séminaire de recherche: Les Antilles françaises: Paradoxes et débats d’une francophonie créole 5
Séminaire de recherche: Moyen-Age II: poésie, théâtre, allégorie 5
Séminaire de recherche: Paris dans la littérature 5
Séminaire pratique: Le Français Juridique 5
Séminaire: Introductory course: teaching and learning French in secondary schools 5
Seminar Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning 6
Seminar Advances in Deep Learning 6
Seminar Akkadian 1: Old Babylonian Contracts 5
Seminar Akkadian 2: Old Babylonian Contracts 5
Seminar Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean World 2 5
Seminar Ancient Philosophy: Greek and Roman philosophers on sexuality 10
Seminar Ancient Philosophy: Greek and Roman philosophers on sexuality 5
Seminar Ancient Philosophy: Plotinus on Beauty and Love 10
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Media 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Moderne Nederlandse Letterkunde 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Nederlandse Taalkunde 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Oudere Nederlandse Letterkunde 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Taalbeheersing / Taal en communicatie 0
Seminar BA-thesis Descriptive Linguistics
Seminar BA-thesis Language and Cognition
Seminar BA2 Art and Culture: Dutch architecture and art in the 17th and 18th centuries 5
Seminar BA2 Photography from Snapshot to Photofilm 5
Seminar BA2: (Re-)Imaginations of the Rural 5