
nl en
Name Type
History: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (including Governance of Migration and Diversity) Master
History: Colonial and Global History (including Maritime History en Postcolonial and Heritage Studies) Master
History: Europe 1000-1800 Master
History: Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present Master
Honours College Archaeology & Society Honours Education
Honours College Governance and Global Affairs Honours Education
Honours College Humanities Lab Honours Education
Honours College Law Honours Education
Honours College Medicine Honours Education
Honours College Science, Society and Self Honours Education
Human Evolution Minor
ICT in Business and the Public Sector Master
Industrial Ecology Master
Intelligence Studies Minor
International and Intercultural Management Minor
International Children's Rights (Advanced Master Programme) Master
International Civil and Commercial Law (Advanced programme) Master
International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration (IDSA) (Advanced Master) Master
International Justice (LUC) Major
International Relations and Diplomacy Master
International Studies Bachelor
Internetrecht Minor
Islam: Religion and Society Minor
Italian Language and Culture Bachelor
Japan Studies Bachelor
Journalism and New Media Minor
Journalistiek en nieuwe media Minor
Juvenile Law Master
Kindermishandeling en verwaarlozing: een levensloopperspectief (interdisciplinaire minor) Minor
Korean Studies Bachelor
Language and Culture Education: Dutch Master
Language and Culture Education: English Master
Language and Culture Education: French Master
Language and Culture Education: German Master
Latin American Studies Master
Latin American Studies Bachelor
Latin American Studies (research) Master
Latin American Studies (Spanish/Portuguese) Minor
Law - International Business Law (bachelor) Bachelor
Law (bachelor) Bachelor
Law & Finance (Advanced Master Programme) Master
Law and Digital Technologies (Advanced Master Programme) Master
Law and Society Master
Law, Culture and Development Minor
Law: European Law Master
Law: Public International Law Master
LDE Space & Society Honours Programme (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus) Honours Education
LDE Sustainability Honours Programme (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus) Honours Education
Leiden Leadership Programme Honours Education
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges Bachelor