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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
* History of the Early Modern Period 5
*Medieval Philosophy 5
*Politieke filosofie 5
*World Philosophies: Africa 5
*World Philosophies: Middle East 5
Argumenteren en overtuigen 5
Art’s Agency: How Art Changes the World 5
Arts, Ecology, Animal Rights 5
Chinese history to 1911 5
Christianity: The Basics 5
Classical Literature 5
Continental Philosophy 5
Cultural Memory of World War I & II 5
Culture et société contemporaine (des ‘Trente Glorieuses’ à aujourd’hui) 5
Culture of Accountability 5
Culture of Tibet 5
Cultures of Exhibiting 5
Cultuurfilosofie 5
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
De Oudheid in Muziek, Film en Dans 5
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital Text and Data Analysis 5
Dramatic Media 10
Epistemologie 5
Esthetica en de impact van kunst 10
Ethiek 5
Film Genres 5
Filosofie en religie van China 5
Francophonies et littératures francophones 10
From application letter to hate tweet: (im)politeness and media 5
From application letter to hate tweet: (im)politeness and media (S2) 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies (Minor/Pre-master) 10
Global Christianity 5
Gothic 5
Great Works of Medieval and Early Modern Literature 5
Grieks voor iedereen: basiscursus grammatica en leesvaardigheid 1 5
Grieks voor iedereen: basiscursus grammatica en leesvaardigheid 2 5
Het Italië van pausen, keizers en steden (cultuurkunde) 5
Het Woord gaat voort: Geschiedenis, inhoud en socioculturele impact van de Bijbel 5
Highlights from Greek Literature 1 5
Highlights from Greek Literature 2 5
History of Modern Philosophy 5
History of Political Philosophy 5
Holy Wars in Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages 5
Human Rights, Legal Personhood, Literature 5
Imagining Media: Infrastructure, Information, Interface 5
Introduction into Sound Art 5
Introduction to Buddhism 5
Introduction to Contemporary China A: Politics, Economics, and Society of Modern China 5
Introduction to Hindu Religions 5