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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Séminaire pratique: Oriëntatie op het leren en lesgeven 5
Seminar Akkadian 1: Old Babylonian Contracts 5
Seminar Akkadian 2: Old Babylonian Contracts 5
Seminar Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean World 2 5
Seminar Ancient Near East Studies 3 5
Seminar Ancient Philosophy: Time for Plotinus: Enneads III.7 [45] in context 10
Seminar Ancient Philosophy/Greek: Plato’s Myths: Philosophical Fiction 5
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Oudere Nederlandse Letterkunde 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk Taalbeheersing van het Nederlands 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk: Nederlandse Taalkunde 0
Seminar BA2 Arts, Media and Society I: Cultural Memory 5
Seminar BA2 Photography from Snapshot to Photofilm 5
Seminar BA2: Dutch Sculpture in an International Perspective 5
Seminar BA2: Seeing Time: The Temporality of the Image 5
Seminar BA3 Digital Humanities: Concept, Method & Virtual Exhibition 10
Seminar BA3: Inventing a Nation. National museums and the formation of identity 10
Seminar Excursion Berlin 10
Seminar Form and Meaning 5
Seminar Greek: Friendship in Greek literature 10
Seminar Greek: Greek Responses to Rome: Migrant Literature in the Early Roman Empire 10
Seminar Hittite Texts 5
Seminar II: Futures of South and Southeast Asia 5
Seminar III: Futures of South and Southeast Asia 5
Seminar in Assyriology: Neo-Assyrian History and Texts 10
Seminar Latin: Seneca’s Agamemnon 10
Seminar Middle East 1 5
Seminar Middle Eastern Studies 2 5
Seminar on Dutch Linguistics: Linguistics and Rhetorics 5
Seminar Oude Nabije Oosten1 5
Seminar Sound and Sound Structure 5
Seminar: Academic Publication 5
Seminar: Thesis Writing 5
Seminar: Writing Research Proposal 5
Setting Up a Project 10
Shakespeare's Sister: Gender Troubles in the Early Modern Period 10
Shi'ism 5
Sick in the City. Epidemic diseases, Mortality and Public health, 1500-present 10
Sino-Japanese Relations 5
Sinographics: Chinese writing and writing Chinese 10
Sinographics: Chinese writing and writing Chinese (ResMA) 10
Skills: writing and presenting 5
Slavery and Memory in the Black Atlantic 10
Slavery in Europe’s Frontier Zones 1300-1800: Networks, Knowledge and Labour 10
Slavery: Discourse and representation in European and Caribbean Literature 10
Social and Cultural History of the Middle East: the Ottoman Empire (1300-1922) 10
Social Europe 5
Social Inequality in the City, Diversity & Design 5
Social Policies in Latin America 5
Society and Culture in Modern Korea 5
Society, Economy and Politics in Contemporary China and India in a Comparative Perspective 10