
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Statistics 2 - Applied Quantitative Analysis 5
Statistics AN 5
Statistics and probability 9
Statistics for Anthropologists: Introduction to Quantitative Analysis 5
Statistics I 5
Statistics in Linguistics 5
Stellar Structure and Evolution 6
Stem Cells 6
Stereochemistry (STC) 4
Strategic Studies 5
Strategy 5
Strategy (minor Science Based Business) 5
Strategy and Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice 10
Stress, Health and Disease (IBP) 5
Structure and Functioning of the EU 5
Structure course non-western languages (Quechua) 5
Student Project Group 1 6
Student Project Group 2 6
Studies in Conflict: From Algeria to Iraq 5
Studies in War: From the Crimea to the Second World War 5
Study Abroad 30
Study abroad in Korea: Intensive Language Learning 25
Study abroad in Korea: Perspectieven op Korea 5
Study designs in the Life and Behavioral Sciences 6
Study in Korea A 30
Study in Korea B 30
Subtitling in Theory and Practice 5
Sumerian literary texts 5
Sumerian texts: Gudea 5
Supramolecular Chemistry (SUP) 6
Surface Science (SUS) 6
Survival analysis 6
Sustainable City Lecture Series 5
Sustainable development: Big Issues New Answers 15
Sustainable Innovation and Social Change 6
Swahili 1 Beginners 10
Swahili 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Swahili 3 Intermediate 5
Swahili in Practice 5
Syntax 1 5
Syntax 2 5
Synthetic Organic Chemistry 5
Synthetic Organic Chemistry (SOC) 6
System Earth 6
Systems Development (ICTiB&PS) 3
Systems Optimisation 3
Systems Pharmacology 5
Systems Thinking in Peace-building, Development and Public Health 5
Taal en Communicatie 5
Taalkundig Veldwerk A 5