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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Economic Development and Social Change in Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Economic Regulation of Air Transport 10
Economic Regulation of Air Transport Blended Learning 10
Economic, Social And Cultural Rights Of Children 5
Economics of the EU 5
Editorial and Curatorial Training Program 10
Effectief besturen door het vergroten van je persoonlijke vaardigheden 5
Eigenaardige spionnen? Nationale inlichtingenculturen in het Westen 10
Einführung in die Korpuslinguistik 5/10
Elective (Honours Class from Honours Academy Pool) 5
Elective courses 16 total
Electronic Communications Law 5
Elliptic Curves (MM) 8
Enforcement & Litigation 5
Enforcement and Dispute Resolution 5
Enforcement And Monitoring of Children's Rights 10
Enhancing a rule of law culture in practical ways 5
Environmental Philosophy 10
Epistemology of Archaeology 5
Erfrecht 10
Ergodic Theory and Fractals (BM) 6
Erzählungen der deutschen Romantik 5/10
Essay Quality Control/Quality Assurance 7
Essential Readings in Economic History 10
Ethics & Digital Technologies 5
Ethnographic Fieldwork 20
EU Financial Law 10
EU Law 5
EU Seminar 0
European and Commercial Perspectives of Space Law 5
European and Commercial Perspectives of Space Law Blended Learning 5
European and International Competition Law 8
European and International Corporate and Financial Law 8
European and International Intellectual Property Law 4
European Human Rights Law 10
European Labour Law 10
Evaluatie van criminaliteitsbeleid 5
Evolution and Engineering of Living Systems (Delft) 6
Evolution of Earth and Life, examining today's evidence for Origins questions along the coast of Brittany 5
Extension Student Research Project 3
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariële studentstage 5
Extreme Right in Western Europe: Theory, Methodology and Comparative Approaches 10
Feminist Theories in Chinese and Japanese Philosophy 10
Fieldwork / Research Internship (February intake) 20
Film en filosofie 10
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities 6
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities Blended Learning 6
Financial Law 5
First Research Project 30
Fiscale Ethiek 5