
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Internship 10
Internship and Master Thesis 34
Internship Child and Family Science 15
Internship Digital Media in Human Development 15
Internship Educational Science 15
Internship Learning problems and impairments (international track) 15
Internship Project Seminar and Thesis - Fall 2020 (February intake) 30
Internship Project Seminar and Thesis - Spring 2020 (September intake) 30
Internship Psychology 10
Internship Quality Control/Quality Assurance in a Pharmaceutical Company, including Practical Work, Thesis and Oral Presentation 37
Introductiecoschap 2
Introduction to Asian Studies 5
Introduction to Data Science 3
Introduction to Data Science for Computer Scientists 6
Introduction to dynamical systems (BM) 6
Introduction to Life and Behavioral Sciences 3
Introduction to Middle Egyptian and the Hieroglyphic Script 10
Introduction to Programming (MSc) 4
Introductory Research Project 18
Jean Monnet Module. From Multi- to Interdisciplinarity: Europe in the World 10
Jenseits der Menschenwelt? Natur, Kultur und Sprache in den Filmen Werner Herzogs 5/10
JS Afstudeer Seminar 5
Junior Research Project II 40/54
Junior Research Project II (Management specialisation) 26/42
Kijken is de (genees)kunst 5
Klassiek Mantsjoe & Mantsjoerologie III 5
Korte verhalen uit de Middeleeuwen 5
Kripke's Naming and Necessity 10
Kritisch denken, kritisch schrijven 5
Language Acquisition 5: Theories and Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 5
Language Acquisition 6: Independent Research in English Language, Literature, and Culture 5
Language, Power & Identity 5
Late Cursive (Abnormal) Hieratic Papyrology I 10
Law Clinic 5/10
Law, Ethics and Politics of International Dispute Settlement 5
LCA Practice & Reporting 9
LDE Living (World) Heritage Cities 5
Learning and Instruction 5
Learning and ongoing evaluation of learning 5
Learning problems and impairments: research and practice 5
Learning, cognition and the brain 5
Lectuur Vedische teksten I 5
Legal Translation 2 5
Legislation of Production of Medicinal Products 2
Legitimiteit van Militaire Missies 5
Lerarenvak Fundamenten (MM) 6
Leren en instructie 2 3
Leren onderzoeken 4. Bachelor Eindproject (LO4) 15
Leren onderzoeken 4. Bachelor Eindproject Scheikunde (LO4) 15
LIAS PhD Seminar: Archives, Power and Memory 5