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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
HUM Seminar Popular Visual Culture 5
Human Computer Interaction and Information Visualization 6
Human Impacts on Biodiversity 6
Human Pathology 7
Human Resource Management 5
Human Rights and European Criminal Law in Context 10
Human Rights Discourses on North Korea 10
Human Rights in Global Politics 10
Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Terrorism 5
Human Rights: Theory and Practice 10
Human Security: Civil War and Violence 5
Human Security: Poverty 5
Human-Robot Interaction 3
Humane biologie 6
Humanitarian Intervention and Peacebuilding 5
Humanities Lab 101 5
Hunter-gatherer Archaeology 5
Huwelijksvermogensrecht 10
I) Profileringsvak: Comparative Civil Procedure 5
Iconography of South and Southeast Asia 5
ICT Architectures 6
ICT Enabled Process Innovation 3
Ideas in World Politics 5
Identiteit, Sociale Maskers en Latijns-Amerikaanse Literatuur 5
Ideology and Politics in the Middle East 5
IE Merken- en handelsnaamrecht 5
IFMSA International Lab Orientation 8
iGEM 2021 18
ILS - Arbeidsrecht in de onderneming 5
ILS - Grondwet in perspectief 5
ILS - Ondernemings- en insolventierecht 5
ILS - Regulering, gedrag en privaatrecht 5
ILS – Global law: legal reasoning in International, EU and national law 5
ILS – Rechtshandhaving in domeinoverstijgend perspectief 5
Image Analysis with Applications in Microscopy 6
Imaging in Neurosciences 6
Imagining the City 5
Immigratie, integratie en discriminatie 5
Immigratierecht 5
Immigration, Integration and Non-Discrimination 5
Immunobiologie 3
Immunologie 3
Immunology (BW) 9
Immunotherapy of Cancer 15
Imperial Powers, Global Cultures 5
Improving Human Performance in Practice (HPP) 5
Improving Intergroup Perceptions 5
In-vivo biomolecular interactions underlying diseases (IBID) 6
Indian Buddhist Accounts of Virtue and Well-Being 10
Indigenous Taiwan on Screen 5