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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Profiles Research Master Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies 10, 15
Program Correctness 6
Programmeermethoden 6
Programmeermethoden NA 4
Programming in Python (HC Bèta & Life Science) 4
Programming Techniques 6
Project Ecologie, Biodiversiteit en Gedrag 2
Project Management for Scientists 3
Project Microbiologie 1
Projectcase I 6
Projectcase II 7
Projectieve meetkunde 6
Prosecution and Diversion 5
Prospective Archaeology 5
Protection of Human Rights in Europe 5
Protection of the Rule of Law in Europe 5
Proteomics in Biomedical Research 6
Psychodiagnostiek 5
Psycholinguistics 5
Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse 5
Psychological Assessment and Interventions in Chronic Disease 5
Psychologie en Wetenschap 5
Psychologie van religie 5
Psychology for Lawyers 5
Psychology of Advertising 5
Psychology of Programming 6
Psychology of Stress and Health 5
Psychometrics and Structural Equation Modeling 6
Psychometrie 5
Psychopathologie: orthopedagogische aspecten 5
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice 5
Public Affairs 5
Public Air Law 10
Public and Private Policing 5
Public Diplomacy: History, Theory, Practice 5
Public Institutions 5
Public International Law (bachelor) 5
Public International Law (master) 10
Public International Law: Capita Selecta I 10
Public International Law: Capita Selecta II 5
Public Leadership Consulting 5
Public Management and Organisations (English) 5
Public Management and Organisations (Minor PA) 5
Public Policy 5
Public Policy Analysis: Anticorruption 5
Public Policy Analysis: Comparative Social Policy 5
Public Policy Analysis: Data-Driven Governance and Policymaking 5
Public Policy and Values (EG) 5
Public Policy and Values (IEG) 5
Public Policy and Values (PML) 5