
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Digital Media, Culture and Society 5
Digital Society in Contemporary China 5
Digital Storytelling for the Humanities 5
Digital Technologies and Power: The Atlas of AI 3
Digital Text and Data Analysis 5
Digitale Cartografie voor Historici 5
Discovering the Ancients: Historiography, Historicism, and Irans Encounters with Modernity 10
Discretionary space (Philosophy) 30
Discretionary space SSEA
Disinformation and Digital Media in a Global Context 5
Disinformation and Digital Media in a Global Context 10
Displacement, Migration and Diaspora: Anthropological Perspectives on South Asia 10
Distributive Justice 10
Diversiteit in de geesteswetenschappen: een historische verkenning 10
Diversity Linguistics: Africa, Asia and the Americas 10
Divided Korea 5
Do Elections Make Democracies? 10
Documentary Texts from Deir el-Medina and their social and cultural setting 10
Door soldatenogen: memoires en dagboeken over Indonesische onafhankelijkheidoorlog, 1945-1949 10
Dutch 1 Beginners 10
Dutch 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Dutch 3 Intermediate 5
Dutch Debates – Topical Questions in Dutch Society, Culture I 5
Dutch in Practice 5
Dutch Painting 1400 – 1950: Introduction to the Art History of the Netherlands, Cultuurwetenschap I 5
Early Islamic Thought and the World of Late Antiquity 10
Ecofeminism in Island Asia and Oceania 10
Ecological Imperalism in Africa 5
Ecological Imperialism in Africa 10
Economic and Monetary Union 5
Economic Development and Democratization of South Korea 5
Economic Development and Social Change in Southeast Asia 10
Economic Development and Social Change in Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Economics of the European Union 5
Economies of South and Southeast Asia 5
Economies of the Middle East 5
Economische Processen in Latijns-Amerika 5
Economy, Geography and Society in Africa 5
Economy: Africa 5
Economy: East Asia 5
Economy: Europe 5
Economy: Latin America 5
Economy: Middle East 5
Economy: North America 5
Economy: Russia and Eurasia 5
Economy: South & South-East Asia 5
Een wereldsysteem? Contacten en uitwisselingen in de 19de en 20ste eeuw 10
Een wonder op aarde, een schat in de hemel: Heilige mensen en plaatsen in de Late Oudheid 10
Eendracht maakt macht? De Republiek als samengestelde staat (1588-1795) 10
Egyptian Epigraphy 10