
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Optica 5
Oral Performance in Africa 5
Organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis (OCHC) 6
Origin and Structure of the Standard Model 3
Orthopedagogiek: gezinsfactoren 5
Orthopedagogiek: individuele factoren 5
Orthopedagogiek: onderwijsfactoren 5
Osmaans 1 5
Osmaans 2 5
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Overheidsaansprakelijkheid 5
Overzichtscollege Oude Geschiedenis 2: Van Romulus en Remus naar Romulus Augustulus 5
Paleografie van de Griekse Papyri 1 5
Panel Management Next Level 5
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
People and Organizations 5
Persian Language and Culture 1 10
Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology 5
Personen- en familierecht 5
Personen-, familie- en erfrecht 5
Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie 5
Perspectieven op kunsthistorisch onderzoek 5
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature 10
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5
Philology 4A: Highlights of Medieval English Literature 5
Philology 4B: Early Modern Everyday English 5
Philology 5A: Old English Literature and Culture 10
Philology 5B: Late Modern English 10
Photochemistry (PC) 6
Photosynthesis and Bioenergy (PBE) 6
Physics and Classical / Quantum Information 6
Physics Experiments 1 3
Physics Experiments 2 5
Physics Experiments 3 2
Physics of Energy 6
Physics of Finance 3
Physics of Life - From Motors to Nerve Pulses 6
Physics of Life Processes 3
Planetenstelsels 3
Policy and Development in Science and Society 4
Politics of South and Southeast Asia 5
Politiek Staatsrecht 5
Politieke filosofie 5
Populaire Genres in de Latijns Amerikaanse Cultuur (LK5) 5
Popular and Global Music 5
Portugees 1 minor 10
Portugees 2 minor 10
Practicum Verklarende Criminologie 5
Praktische pedagogiek: het vertalen van wetenschap naar praktijk 5