
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Digitale Cartografie voor Historici 5
Discourse analysis 5
Diversity and Power 10
Dutch parliamentary democracy 5
Early Modern Paelography 5
Ecologie 1 6
Economic Theory of Politics 5
Empires in Asia 1200-1800 5
Entrepreneurial Finance 5
Ethical and Legal Issues in Pricing Management 5
Etnografisch onderzoek 5
Europe in Practice 5
European Economic Integration 5
Excellentie voor de Klas 5
Explanatory Criminology Lab 5
Family Law 5
Farmacoepidemiologie 3
Fieldwork NL 10
Final Assignment Management, Strategy and Culture 10
Foundations of computer science 3 3
Gedragsbiologie 6
Gender and Law 5
Gender and Law 5
Geschiedenis van de Politieke Filosofie 5
Governance and Political Culture in the Dutch Republic 5
Grammar/Writing - Language Acquisition II 5
Great Cases 5
Greek linguistics 5
Greek Paleography 2 5
Griekse literatuurgeschiedenis en pensum 5
Heidegger - from Dasein to Kehre 10
Historiography and Philosophy of History 5
History of the Russian Language 10
Honours Lectures 5
Identity Shopping in the Roman Empire: Debates around Romanization, Globalization and Acculturation 10
Immigration Law 5
Immunobiologie 3
Inscriptions from the ancient world as a source for historians 5
Integrated Mandarin III: intermediate II 5
Integratieopdracht in silico Geneesmiddelontwikkeling 3
Integration: Biomedical Security 3
Intentie, motivatie, en het morele brein 10
International Tax Law 5
Internet law 5
Internetjournalistiek 5
Internship Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Interpretation and persuasion. Rhetoric in theory and practice’ 5
Interpretation and persuasion. Rhetoric in theory and practice’ 5
Intimate strangers. Colonial encounters and ideas about human difference 10
Introductie Beleid 5