
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Readings from the Dead Sea Scrolls 5
Recht in de multiculturele samenleving 5
Regional Trends: History of the Middle East 5
Regional Trends: The EU and Its Neighbourhood 5
Regional Trends: The Rise of China 5
Regular BA course 5
Regular BA course 5
Relativistic Electrodynamics 3
Religion & Identity 5
Religion and media 5
Religion in World Politics 5
Requirements Engineering 6
Research in Public Administration (SPOC) 5
Research Internship 1 / 5
Research Internship 1 / 5
Research Methods 3 5
Research Project 2 6
Rhetorics and Politics 5
Russian for Special Purposes 5
Russian Foreign Policy 10
Russian in Practice 5
Russian Politics 10
Russische firm 10
Russische leesvaardigheid 3 5
Sanskrit 4 10
Science Communication: Archaeology in the 21st century 5
Science Skills Lab 5
Scriptieseminar GLTC 0
Séminaire de recherche: La littérature francophone aux Pays-Bas (1400-1650) 5
Séminaire de recherche: Le français en Afrique et aux Caraïbes: changement linguistique, créolisation et langues de jeunes 5
Séminaire de recherche: Maghreb francophone - jalons historiques 5
Séminaire pratique: Le Français des Affaires 5
Séminaire pratique: Le Français Juridique 5
Seminar Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean World 2 5
Seminar Ancient Near East Studies 3 5
Seminar Hittite Texts 5
Seminar III: Current Affairs of South and Southeast Asia 5
Seminar Middle Eastern Studies 2 5
Separation Technology (SCT) 6
Setting up businesses in a globalized world 5
Setting up businesses in a globalized world 5
Sexology 5
Slavery and Memory in the Black Atlantic 10
Slavery on the Frontier: The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and the Black Sea, 15th-19th centuries 10
Social Security 5
Social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in schools 5
Societal Internship 1 / 5
Societal Internship 1 / 5
Socio-Economic Policy: Empirical Analyses 5
Soils, Sediment and Society 5