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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
The Archaeology of the Greek Mediterranean 5
The Color of Money and the Price of Sex in Global Empires 10
The Cultural Field in Practice 5
The Desire for the Other: Gender and Ethnicity 5
The Great divergence: welfare and the standard of living in a globalising world, 1750-1914 10
The Heritage of the West: The Classics & Intertextuality in Art & Literature 5
The laboratory of the medievalist 5
The Linguistic Construction of Trust 5
The Nature and Practice of Lobbying in the EU 5
The Plague and the City in Premodernity 10
The Political Economy of the European Union 5
The Roman Frontier 5
The Spanish Empire in the Sixteenth Century 10
The Structure of Portuguese 5
The Structure of Spanish 5
The world in the city. Urban politics and culture in the Netherlands, 1795-1898 10
The World of Late Antiquity 5
Thematic Seminar: Art, Literature, and Law - The Question of the Human Nature of Right(s) 10
Thematic Seminar: Capitalism, Modernity, and Geopolitics 10
Thematic Seminar: Comics at the Crossroads: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives 10
Thematic Seminar: Comparative Accounts of Human Flourishing 10
Thematic Seminar: Emerging Economies: Policy and Problems of Growth and Development 10
Thematic Seminar: Emerging Economies: The Rise of the Giants and its Global Implication 10
Thematic Seminar: Gender in a Global Perspective 10
Thematic Seminar: Global Protest Movements 10
Thematic Seminar: Labour Studies: Work in Global Perspectives 10
Thematic Seminar: Language and Ideology 10
Thematic Seminar: Legacies of War and Memory in World Politics 10
Thematic Seminar: Multinational Corporations, Technology, and the Emerging Economies 10
Thematic Seminar: On the Border: The Sovereign and the Refugee 10
Thematic Seminar: Philosophical Perspectives on Capitalism: Past, Present, and Future 10
Thematic Seminar: Philosophical Perspectives on Global Issues 10
Thematic Seminar: Politics and Culture in the Indian Ocean World 10
Thematic Seminar: Religions ‘On the Move’: the Case of Global Buddhism 10
Thematic Seminar: Religions in the Modern World 10
Thematic Seminar: Science, Media, and Society 1 10
Thematic Seminar: Science, Media, and Society 2 10
Thematic Seminar: Terrorism in Modern History 10
Thematic Seminar: The Linguistic Lens: How Language Influences our Perception of the World 10
Thematic Seminar: The Transformation of (Inter)National Political Community 10
Thematic Seminar: The Ugly: Politics and Aesthetics of Taste 10
Thematic Seminar: Thinking Global Politics Through the Museum 10
Thematic Seminar: Waging War - Cultural Approaches 10
Theoretical Chemistry (TC) 6
Tibet: State and Society 5
Tibetan 4 10
Topics in Latin American Linguistics 5
Toxicologie 4
Transatlantic Ties from Truman to Trump 10
Transmissie en transformatie van cultuur in Europa, 800-1700 5