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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Diplomacy and Publicity: European Peace Conferences and Publicity in the Dutch Republic 10
Diversity and Early Modern Empires: an Economic and Social Perspective 10
Economic and Consumer Psychology 10
Economics of the EU 5
Elective (Honours Class from Honours Academy Pool) 5
Enhancing a rule of law culture in practical ways 5
Environmental Criminology 5
Environmental Philosophy 10
EU Seminar 0
Evolution and Engineering of Living Systems (Delft) 6
Extension BA Thesis 3
Extreme Right in Western Europe: Theory, Methodology and Comparative Approaches 10
Feminist Theories in Chinese and Japanese Philosophy 10
Film and Philosophy 10
Fish species in animal experimentation 2
Foreign Policy in the Trump Era 10
Funduqs, Vitten, Factories. Merchant communities and the organisation of international trade until 1600 10
General Research Skills 5
Globalisering en Postkoloniale Literatuurtheorie 10
Graduation Lab 1
Great Books 5/10
Great Books 5/10
Hegel's Philosophy of Right 10
Historical grammar of Greek 2 5
Holocaust Icons in Arts, Film and Literature (minor) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Classes (zie voorbeelden van interessante bèta classes in de tekst) 5
Human Trafficking from a legal, policy-oriented and social science perspective 5
Humanitarianism and Sea Power. Justice and discipline aboard (1780-1880) 10
Indo-European linguistics II 10
Inequality and Political Representation 10
Integrated Cell Biology (ICB) 2
Integrated Mandarin III: advanced II 5
International Relations: on diplomacy and negotiations 5
International Relations: on diplomacy and negotiations (HC TGC) 5
Internship Child and Family Science 15
Internship Digital Media in Human Development 15
Internship Educational Science 15
Internship Forensic Family Studies 20
Internship Learning problems and impairments (international track) 15
Internship Special needs children in education 20
Jenseits der Menschenwelt? Natur, Kultur und Sprache in den Filmen Werner Herzogs 5/10
JS Graduation seminar 5
Kripke's Naming and Necessity 10
Language Acquisition 6: Independent Research in English Language, Literature, and Culture 5
Language Course 5
LDE Living (World) Heritage Cities 5
Legitimiteit van Militaire Missies 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5