
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Pomp in Parliament: Rituals, Ceremonies and Symbols in the Second Chamber 10
Populair Wetenschappelijk Schrijven 2
Popular and Global Music 5
Portfolio (Media Technology MSc) 1
Portuguese 1 10
Portuguese 1 minor 10
Portuguese 3 10
Portuguese language 2 (Minor beginners) 5
Practical Judgement 10
Practical Philosophy: Contemporary Debates 10
Practicum gesprekstechnieken 2
Practicum wetenschappelijk schrijven 3
Practising Japanese Studies 5
Pragmatics 10
Praktijk van kwalitatief onderzoek 2
Pre-master onderzoeksproject 10
Premodern History of South and Southeast Asia 5
Presenteren en Communiceren 1
Preventie, family mediation en behandeling in de forensische context 5
Principles of Economics (LAW) 5
Private Air Law Blended Learning 10
Privatissimum: European and International Human Rights Law in Comparative Perspective 5
Probability Seminar 2020 (BM) 6
Programming 6
Programming in Python (HC Bèta & Life Science) 4
Programming NA 4
Project Microbiologie 1
Protection of Human Rights in Europe 5
Psychodiagnostics 5
Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse 5
Psychological Assessment and Interventions in Chronic Disease 5
Public Air Law 10
Public Air Law Blended Learning 10
Public History 5
Public Sector Economics (LAW) 5
Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 5
Quantitative Molecular Biology 4
Quantum Algorithms 6
Quantum Computing (BM) 6
Quantum Information 3
Quantum Mechanics 1 6
Quantum Theory 6
Radiative Processes 6
Random walks 6
Random Walks (MM) 8
Reactivity in Organic Chemistry (ROC) 6
Reading list Greek/ Latin 5
Reading List Latin 5
Reading Source Texts 10
Readings in Indo-European Linguistics 5