
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Minor/ Elective package (15 EC) 15
MIRD Master Thesis 15
Modern Hebrew in Practice 5
Modern Persian Texts 5
Modern Thinkers and Trends in Islam 5
Modernity in Latin America 10
Moleculaire Genetica 2 (BIO) 6
Moleculaire Microbiologie 5
Moot Court 5
Moral Psychology 10
Moroccan Arabic for Beginners 5
Moroccan Culture and Society 5
Moroccans in the Netherlands: from guest worker to transnational citizen 10
MSA: fiction 5
MSA: non-fiction 5
MSA: writing skills 5
MSc Research Project 38
Multi-Level Governance 5
Multivariate Data Analysis 5
Multivariate Data Analysis (IBP) 5
Museums in Berlin (Excursion seminar) 5/10
Music Cognition 5
Music in Contemporary Society: Its Role, Function and Position 5
Music: Practicum Musicae 3, Royal Conservatoire 10
Muslims in a Global Context: Anthropological Approaches (ResMA) 10
Mythical Institutions: Searching for the Secrets of Success 5
Nassaus in the Netherlands. Dynastic Culture in the Early Modern Period 10
Neglected Art: The Grotesque & Caricatures 5
Negotiation & Mediation 5
Negotiation and Conflict Management 5
Negotiations LAB 5
Netherlands Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS) 5
NWIB Zomerschool Stedelijk Erfgoed 5
Oefenonderzoek 5
Onderwijs: wetenschap en praktijk 5
Onderzoek naar Recht in de Samenleving. Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar het recht (5 ec) + mogelijkheid aanvullend deelvak (5 ec) 5
Online Marketing 5
Operating Systems 6
Optional Courses (MA History) 10
Oral History 5
Oral Proficiency: presentation and debating - Language Acquisition II 5
Oral Traditions of South and Southeast Asia 5
Ordering the universe: Globalization and a changing worldorder in the early modern world 10
Osteology 5
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Ottoman Turkish 2 5
Oudhoogduits 5
Palaeography of the Greek Papyri and Edition Technique of Papyrus Documents 5
Palmtrees, sulphur and rebels. Life at the Dead Sea in Antiquity 10
Paragone: conflict en samenwerking tussen woord en beeld 10